Closed edoantonioco closed 5 years ago
I cant repro this issue anymore, which is great. No idea why it happened, and I hope it wont happen again.
@edoantonioco I am still facing this issue when you enter the wrong number then you will be able to get this issue. Can you help me resolve this issue?
Maybe for someone will be helpful.
To fix it use lib "patch-package", install to your project. (don't miss to add postinstall script)
Then going to YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/react-native-credit-card-input/src/CCFieldValidator.js
Above function "toStatus" add new function. And from now it will mark card as valid when validation.isPotentiallyValid and card have 16 digits.
const cardNumberToStatus = (validation, cardNumbersFilled) => {
return validation.isValid || (validation.isPotentiallyValid && cardNumbersFilled)
? 'valid'
: validation.isPotentiallyValid
? 'incomplete'
: 'invalid';
After going to edit class CCFieldValidator, method "validateValues". Looking for fields validations and below will add next code part
let cardNumberFilled = false;
const cardNumberBlocks = formValues.number.split(' ');
cardNumberFilled = cardNumberBlocks.length === 4 && cardNumberBlocks[3].length === 4;
and in "const validationStatuses = ..." changing object key/value from number: toStatus(numberValidation),
to number: cardNumberToStatus(numberValidation, cardNumberFilled),
Summary file will look like
import valid from "card-validator";
import pick from "lodash.pick";
import values from "lodash.values";
import every from "lodash.every";
const cardNumberToStatus = (validation, cardNumbersFilled) => {
return validation.isValid || (validation.isPotentiallyValid && cardNumbersFilled)
? 'valid'
: validation.isPotentiallyValid
? 'incomplete'
: 'invalid';
const toStatus = validation => {
return validation.isValid ? "valid" :
validation.isPotentiallyValid ? "incomplete" :
const FALLBACK_CARD = { gaps: [4, 8, 12], lengths: [16], code: { size: 3 } };
export default class CCFieldValidator {
constructor(displayedFields, validatePostalCode) {
this._displayedFields = displayedFields;
this._validatePostalCode = validatePostalCode;
validateValues = (formValues) => {
const numberValidation = valid.number(formValues.number);
const expiryValidation = valid.expirationDate(formValues.expiry);
const maxCVCLength = (numberValidation.card || FALLBACK_CARD).code.size;
const cvcValidation = valid.cvv(formValues.cvc, maxCVCLength);
let cardNumberFilled = false;
const cardNumberBlocks = formValues.number.split(' ');
cardNumberFilled = cardNumberBlocks.length === 4 && cardNumberBlocks[3].length === 4;
const validationStatuses = pick({
number: cardNumberToStatus(numberValidation, cardNumberFilled),
expiry: toStatus(expiryValidation),
cvc: toStatus(cvcValidation),
name: !! ? "valid" : "incomplete",
postalCode: this._validatePostalCode(formValues.postalCode),
}, this._displayedFields);
return {
valid: every(values(validationStatuses), status => status === "valid"),
status: validationStatuses,
In the end creating patch file using command yarn patch-package react-native-credit-card-input
or npx patch-package react-native-credit-card-input
UPD: added change to file YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/react-native-credit-card-input/src/CCFieldFormatter.js
_formatNumber = (number, card) => {
const numberSanitized = removeNonNumber(number);
const maxLength = card.lengths[0];
const lengthSanitized = limitLength(numberSanitized, maxLength);
return lengthSanitized.length > maxLength ? addGaps(lengthSanitized.slice(0, maxLength + 1, card.gaps)) : addGaps(lengthSanitized, card.gaps);
The credit card input allow me to add 19 characters, instead of the 16 characters that credit cards have.
This on latest version, 0.4.1 And I dont see a way to control that in the library settings