sbycrosz / react-native-credit-card-input

Easy, cross-platform credit-card input for your React Native Project! Start accepting payment 💰 in your app today!
MIT License
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Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed #165

Closed aymkin closed 2 months ago

aymkin commented 4 years ago

Please update the following components: CCInput, CreditCardInput, FlipCard

godguide1 commented 4 years ago

When will this be update please?

marquinmpfs commented 4 years ago

When will this be update please? ²

mayursarode4 commented 4 years ago

You can hide those yellow box waring's by adding below line in App.js or in filename.js file where your are using this library,

e.g: import { CreditCardInput } from "react-native-credit-card-input"; console.disableYellowBox = true; For temporary basis/till the admin updates the changes.

retronoodle commented 4 years ago

+1 for getting this updated - thanks!

nawedfarooque commented 4 years ago

You can open node_modules/react-native-credit-card-input/src/CCInput.js and replace componentWillReceiveProps with componentDidUpdate.

The same with /CreditCardInput.js

Edit: That is not enough :(. After changing that you have some issues with the focus I removed componentDidMount, componentWillReceiveProps and _focus temporary, that is fine for me.

designervoid commented 3 years ago

designervoid commented 3 years ago

@mayursarode4 i think disable warnings is bad practice. in your example you are disabling global yellow box, nope?