sc0ttj / component

A tiny library for isomorphic JavaScript components
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Feature: add-ons for using data (APIs and database backends) #49

Open sc0ttj opened 2 years ago

sc0ttj commented 2 years ago

Add-ons for managing data and APIs

Component needs an easy way of importing, querying, saving, and syncing external data.

The benefits of easily managing external data:

External data could be:

Add-ons related to external data handling could be:

The add-ons should enable the following, with simple, concise code:

Other Libraries

Data from page URL (inc query strings and hash path):

Fetching from third-party APIs:

Persistent data stores, with P2P data syncing:

Persistent data stores:

Non-persistent data stores, with P2P data syncing:


"In-memory" only databases (no backend, no collab):


sc0ttj commented 2 years ago

Ideal code examples:

useURL would be something like:

const data = useURL(
  // give the URL to parse
  // optionally give an array of "routes", to shape the resulting data how you want it
  [ '/profile/:userId', '/page/:pageId']

// {
//     protocol: 'https',
//     domain: '',
//     port: '',
//     path: '/foo/',
//     page: 'bar.html',
//     var: true,
//     profile: {
//       userId: 1,
//    },
// }

the useAPI add-on would be something like:

const opts = { ... };

const products = await useAPI('', opts); => console.log(product)); // output JSON of each product

// ..or

useAPI('', opts)
.then(products => { => console.log(product)); // output JSON of each product

a database backend would be something like:

const db = useDatabase({
  persistent: true,                          // refresh the page and the data persists
  collaborative: true,                       // all users on page can read/write to the backend
  realtime: true,                            // update (and re-render) page whenever the db changes
  // the data source (choose one of these)
  source: 'ipfs://oijwr9i8joisdnjfownf0nf',  // use IPFS as storage
  source: 'magnet://aefs46ad465we4e323es',   // bitTorrent protocol as a backend, see dmotz/tystero
  source: '',      // read/write to JSON file on a [local or remote] web server
  source: 'pouchdb://',         // in-memory first, syncs to remote
  source: 'couchdb://',         // always uses remote
  source: 'supabase://',        // a remote supabase db
  source: 'localStorage',                    // in-memory only
  backup: 'couchbdb://',       // auto backup your database some where else

const name = 'Ted';
const details = db.get(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ${name}`);

// ...and usage something like this 

db.add( ... ).then(res => { ... })

db.update( ... ).then(res => { ... })

db.delete( ... ).then(res => { ... })

db.get( ... ).then(data => { ... })

db.query( ... ).then(data => { ... })

db.getJoin( ..., ... ).then(data => { ... })
sc0ttj commented 1 year ago