sc0ttj / mdsh

A simple static site generator, using Markdown and Bash
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Add custom components easily via Markdown #28

Closed sc0ttj closed 5 years ago

sc0ttj commented 5 years ago


Writing this:


would produce markdown output:

which should create final output like:

<div id="d3-barchart-1" data-src="{[0,1,2],[5,6,7]}"></div>
<script defer src=""></script>
<script defer src="assets/components/d3-barchart/main.js"></script>
sc0ttj commented 5 years ago

YAML approach


Yaml is dead simple to use - defining charts, embeds, custom elements/components in yml would be nice and easy.


Yaml parsers implemented in shell are few and far between, and don't support multi-dimensional arrays or hashes, so they often output the yml data as dynamically named variables - which could get cumbersome/ugly..

Processing the yml data, via mustache templates into JSON might be buggy, slow or incomplete in implementation.

How to

Do something like Jekylls data files...

  1. Put a page-name.yml file in assets/data/:
    labels: [2017, 2018, 2019]
    labels: [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]
          [34, 45, 67],
          [52, 64, 78],
  1. Then in your markdown:
Some text.

line_chart 'my_cool_line_chart'

More text.
sc0ttj commented 5 years ago

Mustache approach


In order to have the required component data (which will most likely begin life as JSON) stored in a way that can be processedby mo (the mustache templater), there is a lot of setup and 'boilerplate' code required .. The original data will need to be transformed into a Bash array of hashes, and multiple nested levels are not possible, so a bit of extra work is required for complex loops in templates..

TLDR: this is a very inefficient way of doing it...

How to

  1. create component templates:

File `templates/components//name.{html,js,css,json}.mustache


  1. Set a var, and use in markdown like so:
line_chart_json="$(render _line_chart 'json')"

in the page/markdown:

Some text.

{{render _line_chart}}

More text.
sc0ttj commented 5 years ago

JSON approach


How to

  1. Create the JSON data file in assets/data:

my-cool-line-chart.json ^ contains (for example) a vega line chart config object

  1. Create component templates:

File `templates/components/.{html,js,css}.mustache


vega-line-chart.html.mustache - html for vega chart (container, style and script tag)
vega-line-chart.js.mustache - init vega with the generated json data
vega-line-chart.css.mustache - styles
  1. In your markdown:
sc0ttj commented 5 years ago
