sc0ttj / mdsh

A simple static site generator, using Markdown and Bash
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Data folder #85

Closed sc0ttj closed 4 years ago

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

An early attempt at solving

What's the improvement?

New feature: the assets/data folder

Site-wide data: Put .yml, .csv, or .sh files in the assets/data/ folder, and the data they contain will be available to all templates at build time.

Page specific data: Put .yml, .csv, or .sh files in the assets/data/my-cool-page/ folder, and the data they contain will be available to the page my-cool-page only at build time.


Other new features

The foreach iterator

Easier data debugging

page_layout variable

Easily render pages with different layouts

Define it in the page front matter, or pass it in via CLI when running (defaults to main if empty, and must be the name of a template file in .app/templates/*/)..


Implementation of data folder

Added example data files:

site.yml, products.yml, people.csv,

Pull in data at build time:

Added a .yml parser & csv parser func, updated cli-interface to parse data files on each build:

Updates in .app.cli-interface.bash to scan the assets/data dir for files, and parse them into vars and arrays that our build scripts and templates can use...

YAML parsers used:

CSV parser:

Much easier to use arrays in templates:

Added a foreach iterator function, to be used in the templates, small fix to mo script to make it work OK.

An example!!

  1. assets/data/products.yml contains:
    name: Foo
    price: 10
    name: Bar
    price: 20
  1. so you access it in your templates like so:
  {{#foreach product in products}}
    {{}} costs {{product.price}}