sc0ttj / mdsh

A simple static site generator, using Markdown and Bash
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Custom taxonomies #93

Open sc0ttj opened 4 years ago

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago


Still to do:

For more info about taxonomies, see Issue

To test out the new index page generation routines, based on YAML defined taxonomies:

source .site_config

It is currently setup to build the same index pages which already exist - authors, categories, tags..

It should build identical index pages to the rebuild authors, rebuild tags (etc) commands, with some small changes:


To do

Page types

[in progress] See PR

new page <-- default front matter vars

new post <-- prob same as above

new product <-- same as above but with price, shipping, paypal_*, etc

new event <-- same as product but with start_date, end_date, location, etc

Namespaces index pages

All index pages should be namespaced by type... Example:


Users should be able to symlink any index pages/folders they want to the root of their site. So, for example, could link to Users will be able to choose.

Pages of type page shouldn't appear on any index pages.