sc1341 / InstagramOSINT

An Instagram Open Source Intelligence Tool - Archive
MIT License
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Usage #1

Closed BeatJuice5 closed 5 years ago

BeatJuice5 commented 5 years ago

Could you maybe explain how to use it?

KMcKenzieOSINT commented 5 years ago

I had to futz with it, but I got it working on my windows machine.

-Need at least Python 3.7 (maybe even 3.6 works) -Install the BeautifulSoup4 module -command line "pip install beautifulsoup4" -Install Requests module -command line "pip install requests" -From command line... -"python .../ --username xxxxxxx"

kierajreed commented 5 years ago

Yeah just install dependencies and run it. A note on the arg format would be good though.

sc1341 commented 5 years ago

Hey guys! I'll make a requirements.txt file! I didn't think people would actually use this! I'll get right on some of these issues! Thanks for bringing up these issues!

sc1341 commented 5 years ago

The usage has been updated in the

Thanks for the feedback!