sc2-arcade-watcher / issue-tracker

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hi,i wanna to know how this bot can get history version of map ? #4

Closed chy31694 closed 3 years ago

chy31694 commented 3 years ago

and how this bot can get none-public map of users ?

Talv commented 3 years ago


Well, it's just a feature of SC2. All past revisions of a map are stored on the server indefinitely (unless explicitly deleted by author (or by Blizzard), but I've seen cases where even that didn't remove it for good).

It's possible thanks to SC2's architecture - the client must have a way to request any existing map, regardless of the version, or privacy settings - several features depend on it:

About private maps in particular: there's nothing special about them. They appear in the system like any other map. If it can be seen in the system, then it can be retrieved. I'm pretty sure that was even intended - the privacy system only keeps things unlisted in the game - away from the wide public. But it likely never meant to be a security measure - it doesn't protect the map's content.

Retrieving any map by the bot is possible thanks to the customized sc2 client. And as I've mentioned in the README, I don't not plan to disclose code responsible for communicating with Thus I can't elaborate on it further, sorry.