sc3 / crime-punishment

Crime and Punishment in Chicago
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update copy for Court page to reflect its availability (not available by FOI, but by request) #127

Closed bepetersn closed 10 years ago

bepetersn commented 10 years ago

This is the latest update on the Court that Tracy gave me; we DON'T need to use this exact copy, but we should change our content by merging in the relevant bits of info from this, related to Court's availability:

All of the courts in Illinois and at the federal level are exempt from the FOIA. All court records are deemed to be open and available which is why we are able to view court records at court houses. Exactly to what degree this pertains to court data is unknown at the moment. It is totally at Evan's discretion what requests (which are not FOIAs but just letters) to approve and which ones not to approve.

Conviction data is all the data related to a case that resulted in a conviction. This data does not include information about the prosecutor or defense attorney involved in the case. It also does not include what occurred in every court appearance. Obviously also missing from this data set is any data related to cases that do not result in a conviction.

No court data is open to FOIA. I think for this page only we need to change the categories to Available, Not Available, and Can Be Requested. With these categories all the data would then be under "Can be Requested". I will have 5 years of conviction data available on our site once David finishes cleaning the address data.