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Revision of ISO/IEC 29500-2 (Open Packaging Conventions)
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Figure numbering #37

Closed RexJaeschke closed 3 years ago

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

From WG4 N0441, “Plan to Make IS 29500 Parts Comply with the ISO Style Guidelines.”

From ISO: Figures in the document shall be numbered, given concise titles and referenced in the text. Please check throughout the document and number, title and reference the Figures. The numbering shall be independent of the numbering of the clauses. In annexes, the figure numbering restarts and the number is preceded by the annex letter (e.g. Figure A.1).

Presumably this comment refers to things like the untitled/un-numbered pictures in §8.2.4, “Interleaving” and §, “General”.

It appears that figure numbers in annexes need to use a period separator rather than a hyphen. To be investigated further.

ISO-041 |   | 8.3.4, | Figures | ed | ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016, 28.3.1 Figures shall be designated “Figure” and numbered with Arabic numerals. In annexes, the figure numbering restarts and the number is preceded by the annex letter (e.g. Figure A.1, etc.). ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2018, 28.4 Each figure shall be explicitly referred to within the text. ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2018, 10.1 Imprecise references such as “the following clause” or “the figure above” shall not be used.

Please number the figures and give them concise titles. Some are currently referenced in the text as "the figure below"; cross-references shall be made using figure numbers. Per earlier communication, it is noted that the plan is to review and implement figure numbering after the DIS ballot. This comment is added as a reminder.

ISO-047 |   | 11.4.1 | Figure 11-1 | ed | ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016, 28.3.1 Figures shall be designated “Figure” and numbered with Arabic numerals. In annexes, the figure numbering restarts and the number is preceded by the annex letter (e.g. Figure A.1, etc.).

The figure is numbered as Figure 5 (considering the preceding 4 figures in 8.3.4 and in the DIS_edit file.

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

Rex will investigate and see if any questions need be raised with ISO.

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

I have just finished an investigation into Word's "captions with numbers" and ISO's requirements. For my test, I took a copy of ISO's spec starter-template and added 5 figures and that is the "attached document" I mention below. As a result, here's the essence of mail I just sent to Tristan Davis at MS, asking for his help:

Consider figures with captions containing numbers.

Consider a spec with Clauses (chapters, that is) 1–3 and Annexes (appendices, that is) A–C, and captioned figures one per clause and annex for a total of 6 figures.

ISO requires that figures in clauses run number 1–N across clause boundaries without being reset to 1. ISO requires figure numbers in annexes reset to 1 for each annex and be numbered with annex#.figure#.

This means the 6 figures must be numbered “Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, “Figure 3”, “Figure A.1”, “Figure B.1”, and “Figure C.1”.

As far as I can tell, Word has only one way of numbering figure captions per document — all sequentially numbered or each chapter/annex reset to 1, typically with a chapter/annex prefix; that is, it cannot do what ISO requires, but I’d be happy for you to prove me wrong.

The attached document is a copy of the ISO Word starter template with 5 figures added. If I satisfy the 1–N requirement, the figures in the annexes have the wrong format. If I try to change the format of a caption in an annex, the format of all captions—including those in the clauses—changes, which is not what I want. In any event, the only styles one can chose when asking for chapter-specific prefixes are “Header 1–N”. Annex styles are not available selections.

My tests indicate the same is true for table numbering, which ISO also requires be different for clauses vs. annexes.

RexJaeschke commented 3 years ago

See Issue #35.

RexJaeschke commented 3 years ago

I got the Table and Figure numbering to work by using fields.