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Revision of ISO/IEC 29500-2 (Open Packaging Conventions)
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Foreword: Various issues #44

Closed RexJaeschke closed 4 years ago

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

ISO-056 |   | Foreword |   | ed | The Foreword shall use the up-to-date generic text which is provided in the Simple template in the Drafting standards section on

Text updated in the DIS_edit file.

Rex: Done

GB-057 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 1 | ed | The clause ‘Conformance’ is Clause 5 in the DIS text. The DIS correctly includes Normative References as Clause 2 in accordance with the Directives Part 2. The current (2018) edition of the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 makes no mention of a requirement to include the Conformance clause at a particular position.

Remove this bullet point.

Rex: Done

GB-058 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 11 | ed | Pack IRIs are defined in Clause 7 in the DIS text.

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “...Pack IRIs are now defined in Clause 7.”

Rex: Done

GB-059 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 12 | ed | The phrase “externally defined schemas” is missing a hyphen.

“...externally-defined schemas.”

Rex: Rejected; while our style is to hyphenate compound adjectives, we follow the widely accepted practice of not doing that when the first word is an adverb ending in "ly". See Wikipedia.

GB-060 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 13 | ed | The use of “has” in this sentence is grammatically incorrect.

“...have been dropped.”

Rex: Done

GB-061 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 14 | ed | This is not a proper sentence as worded.

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “Requirements around streaming consumption have been dropped.”

Rex: Done

GB-062 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 5 | ed | The clause ‘Abstract package model’ is Clause 7 in the DIS text.

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “Clause 7 (Abstract package model, Clause 8 in preceding editions)...”

Rex: Done

GB-063 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 6 | ed | This is not a proper sentence as worded.

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “The option for media type to be an empty string has been removed.”

Rex: Done

GB-064 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 7 | ed | The clause ‘Physical package model’ is Clause 8 in the DIS text.

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “Clause 8 (Physical package model, Clause 9 in preceding editions)...”

Rex: Done

GB-065 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 8 | ed | The clause ‘Core properties’ is Clause 9 in the DIS text.

Rex: Done

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “Clause 9 (Core properties, Clause 10 in preceding editions)...”

GB-066 |   | Foreword | Para 7, Bullet 9 | ed | The clause ‘Digital signatures’ is Clause 11 in the DIS text.

Re-word this bullet point, e.g. “Clause 11 (Digital signatures, Clause 12 in preceding editions)...”

Rex: Done

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

I looked at each of the issues above, and added my recommendations.

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

Applied all edits to resolve ISO-056.

franciscave commented 4 years ago

I think that you need to delete the original paragraph at the top of page viii: "ISO/IEC 29500-2 was prepared by ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 34, Document description and processing languages." The inserted paragraph that follows it appears to be a replacement for the original paragraph.

RexJaeschke commented 4 years ago

WG4 approved, as amended by Francis, on 2020-08-26.