Closed sc420 closed 1 year ago
Looks promising:
Consider to replace react-diagrams with it because it has richer docs and better look and feel. Please try replacing the current react-diagrams with it to see if it's acceptable.
I decided to use React Flow because the docs and examples are clear. For future references:
For look and feel, we can check out the following websites as the references:
MainContainer --> FeaturePanel
FeaturePanel --> AddNodePanel
FeaturePanel --> EditNodesPanel
FeaturePanel --> LoadSavePanel
AddNodePanel --> Operation
MainContainer --> GraphContainer
GraphContainer --> Graph
Graph ..> Operation
Graph ..> VariableNode
Graph ..> ConstantNode
Graph ..> OperationNode
class MainContainer {
- graphState: GraphState
class FeaturePanel {
- graphState: GraphState
class AddNodePanel {
- operations: features.Operation[]
- builtInOperations: features.Operation[]
class EditNodesPanel {
- graphState: GraphState
class LoadSavePanel {
- graphState: GraphState
class Operation {
- id: string
- fCode: string
- dfdyCode: string
- inputPorts: string[]
- helpText: string
class GraphContainer {
- graphState: GraphState
class Graph {
+ ReactFlowGraph(operations: features.Operation[])
- graph: graph.Graph
class VariableNode {
class ConstantNode {
class OperationNode {
The GraphState
contains everything about the current graph state. It records a list of built-in/custom operations, graph nodes/edges/connections, react-flow node positions, etc.
When the list of operations (features.Operation
) is updated, the Graph (react-flow.Graph
) may not use it immediately but should store it for later use. When a node is dragged and dropped to the canvas, it can find the necessary data in the previous recorded list of operations.
There're only 3 types of nodes we can add: variable, constant and operation. The drag-and-drop data should indicate the type and the operation id (if the type is operation). The UI of VariableNode, ConstantNode and OperationNode should be designed separately. OpeartionNode will be heavily reused because it may contain any type of operations. We may even support tensor types in the future (and value should be matrix). OperationNode will need to create input ports dynamically, please note that doc say you need to use some hook to notify the changes.
We don't rely on React context or third-party state management libraries because props are easier to test.
New directories:
: Features that are existed because of the use cases, don't rely any React Flow stuff in itreact-flow
: Components that use React Flow library, may be replaced in the futureclassDiagram
App --> Title
App --> Sidebar
App --> GraphContainer
GraphContainer --> FeaturePanel
GraphContainer --> Graph
GraphContainer --> GraphToolbar
GraphContainer --> GraphStateController
FeaturePanel --> AddNodePanel
FeaturePanel --> EditNodesPanel
FeaturePanel --> LoadSavePanel
AddNodePanel --> Operation
Graph ..> Operation
Graph ..> VariableNode
Graph ..> ConstantNode
Graph ..> OperationNode
class GraphContainer {
- selectedFeature: SelectedFeature
- graphStateController: GraphStateController
- nodes: reactflow.Node[]
- edges: reactflow.Edge[]
class GraphStateController {
+ getReadOnlyState(): ReadOnlyGraphState
+ getReadWriteState(): GraphState
+ addNode(nodeType: string, nodes: Node[]): Node[]
+ selectNode(nodeId: string, nodes: Node[]): Node[]
+ removeNode(nodeId: string, nodes: Node[]): Node[]
+ resetNodes(): [Node[], Edge[]]
+ load(data): Node[]
+ save(nodes: Node[], edges: Edge[]): void
class FeaturePanel {
- selectedFeature: SelectedFeature
- graphState: ReadOnlyGraphState
class AddNodePanel {
- operations: features.Operation[]
- builtInOperations: features.Operation[]
class EditNodesPanel {
- graphState: ReadOnlyGraphState
class LoadSavePanel {
- graphState: ReadOnlyGraphState
class Operation {
- id: string
- fCode: string
- dfdyCode: string
- inputPorts: string[]
- helpText: string
class Graph {
- graph: graph.Graph
- graphState: GraphState
class VariableNode {
class ConstantNode {
class OperationNode {
When the user clicks the list item in AddNodesPanel, we should add a node on the Graph. In previous design spec, we don't know who should be responsible to update the state (AddNodesPanel? MainContainer? GraphContainer? Graph?).
It seems that FeaturePanel is closely related to Graph, so why not put them closer?
In this new design spec, we make the architecture more flat by removing MainContainer and putting FeaturePanel and Graph closer. GraphControl should be renamed to GraphToolbar to avoid confusion with GraphStateController.
The data flow is like this when user invokes something in the feature panel:
Note that graph state resides in GraphContainer so that React knows we update them. GraphStateController only contains logic to update the graph state.
Datablocks multiple input ports example:
threegn example:
chaiNNer example:
We should rename core graph classes/files to have shorter names, non-core react/react flow stuff should have longer names. It can avoid name collision and confusion. E.g., Graph
-> ReactFlowGraph
App --> Title
App --> Sidebar
App --> GraphContainer
GraphContainer --> FeaturePanel
GraphContainer --> ReactFlowGraph
GraphContainer --> GraphToolbar
GraphContainer --> CoreGraphController
GraphContainer --> ReactFlowController
FeaturePanel --> AddNodePanel
FeaturePanel --> EditNodesPanel
FeaturePanel --> LoadSavePanel
AddNodePanel --> FeatureOperation
ReactFlowGraph --> CustomNode
class GraphContainer {
- coreGraphController: CoreGraphController
- reactFlowController: ReactFlowController
- coreGraph: Graph
- nodes: reactflow.Node[]
- edges: reactflow.Edge[]
- featureOperations: FeatureOperation[]
class CoreGraphController {
+ addNode(nodeType: string, graph: Graph): Graph
+ removeNode(nodeId: string, graph: Graph): Graph
+ connect(node1Id: string, node2Id: string, node2PortId: string, graph: Graph): Graph
+ disconnect(node1Id: string, node2Id: string, node2PortId: string, graph: Graph): Graph
class ReactFlowController {
+ addNode(nodeType: string, featureOperations: FeatureOperation[], nodes: Node[]): Node[]
+ dropNode(nodeType: string, position: XYPosition, featureOperations: FeatureOperation[], nodes: Node[]): Node[]
+ changeNodes(changes: NodeChange[], nodes: Node[]): Node[]
+ changeEdges(changes: EdgeChange[], edges: Edge[]): Edge[]
class FeaturePanel {
- selectedFeature: SelectedFeature
- featureOperations: FeaturesOperation[]
class AddNodePanel {
- featureOperations: FeaturesOperation[]
class EditNodesPanel {
- graphState
class LoadSavePanel {
- graphState
class FeatureOperation {
- id: string
- text: string
- operation: Operation
- inputPorts: Port[]
- helpText: string
We should only initialize core graph once in useEffect
, otherwise the React could call its method twice and cause side effect because we don't dee copy our core graph class.
We split the responsibility into two classes, the core controller and react flow controller. We should update core controller first, and update react flow controller based on the output of core controller.
postpone the milestone by one week because QA is important
Functional Spec
Interactive UI
Use Cases