sc4v3ng3r / flutter_audio_query

Flutter Audio Query Plugin
MIT License
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Feature/get artwork #36

Closed sc4v3ng3r closed 3 years ago

sc4v3ng3r commented 3 years ago

Getting artwork on Android >= Q:

Since Android API level 29 ALBUM_ART constant is deprecated and plus scoped storage approach we can't load artwork from absolute image path. So if your app is running over Android API >= 29 you will get all artwork fields with null. To fetch images on these API levels you can use getArwork method.

 /// detecting, loading and displaying an artist artwork.

 ArtistInfo artist // assuming a non null instance

 // check if artistArtPath isn't available.

 (artist.artistArtPath == null)

    ? FutureBuilder<Uint8List>(
      future: audioQuery.getArtwork(

        type: ResourceType.ARTIST, id:,
        builder: (_, snapshot) {
          if ( == null)
            return Container(
              height: 250.0,
              child: Center(
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

            return CardItemWidget(
              height: 250.0,
              subtitle: "Number of Albums: ${artist.numberOfAlbums}",
              infoText: "Number of Songs: ${artist.numberOfTracks}",
              // The image bytes
              // You can use Image.memory widget constructor 
              // or MemoryImage image provider class to load image from bytes
              // or a different approach.
          }) :
          // or you can load image from File path if available.
          Image.file( File( artist.artistArtPath ) )