scVENUS / PeekabooAV-Installer

This repository provides scripts and configuration files to install, update and test a Peekaboo installation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Youtube Installation Tutorial #58

Closed JannisTriesToCode closed 4 years ago

JannisTriesToCode commented 4 years ago

I have created a YT-Tutorial about the installation of peekaboo. The motivation was to make it easier for my partner in a peekaboo related study project to set up the system. I'm pretty sure that there is a lot of potential for improvement as I took a very naive approach. Please let me know about errors and possible improvements.

michaelweiser commented 4 years ago

Awesome stuff! This must have been a lot of effort! We should link this in both Peekaboo's and the Installer's, IMO.

I watched it once with focus on factual correctness and it's really spot on for the how to do it. @jack28 will likely have some more ideas on the topics covered and which maybe to extend into if you ever do another one. :)

Stuff that remained unclear to me:

The one niggle I have with all tutorials is that most focus so much on the how that the why steps into the background. But I also get that in a tutorial you want to provide the consumer with a quick win and not bore them to death with the why. So it's a stoss-up and depends on your goals and intended audience.

Anyway, I jotted down some of the whys if only for future reference by information seekers. Sorry if you actually explained some or all of that and I missed it.

For completeness:

michaelweiser commented 4 years ago

@JannisTriesToCode: All the stuff you found and a link to your tutorial is now in #61. Feedback very welcome.

JannisTriesToCode commented 4 years ago

I have looked over your fixes and it seems to be consistent with my mentioned problems. However, I currently do not have the capacity to try them out.

JannisTriesToCode commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the comprehensive feedback for my tutorial. First and foremost I made it for my study partner and my future self, but figured the internet could also profit from it. I intentionally made it in such a way that it is (a rather) quick win for the user. However, I really like the explanations you gave and will include them in a pinned comment under the video.

michaelweiser commented 4 years ago

I extended the note on the link to include the phrase "testing environment". Hopefully that's enough to keep people from thinking that the setup you show is suitable for real malware. Closing this.

michaelweiser commented 4 years ago

And thanks again!