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Better transaction result formatting in debug page #853

Closed ByteAtATime closed 1 month ago

ByteAtATime commented 1 month ago


This PR improves the formatting of the transaction result in the debug page, especially for numbers, tuples, and structs.

Here is a table comparing the changes (click on images to enlarge):

Before After Notes
old-int new-int new-int-2 To prevent mis-identifications of numbers and to allow the user to copy the value, they can now toggle the number/ether views.
old-tuple new-tuple The tuple now recursively displays each element, with some added quality-of-life details (most notably the array index).
old-struct new-struct Like the tuple, this recursively displays each element, with the key displayed at left.
old-complex-struct new-complex-struct Example of a more complicated item. Notice how the arr field is nicely indented.

The contract used in these examples can be found here.

Additional Information

I would consider this to be a "straightforward" change, so have not filed an issue.

Your ENS/address: byteatatime.eth

carletex commented 1 month ago

Hey @ByteAtATime thanks for this, it looks cool!

A few open questions/comments before reviewing the code:

Let's see what others think too!

Thanks again sir!

ByteAtATime commented 1 month ago
  • The icon might be too big. e.g.

Honestly, it probably is, just wasn't sure what the best practice is considering this is already btn-xs from daisyUI. I'm a little hesitant to override styles manually, but I think that might be the best way?

  • Is / the best character to represent the change to ETH? Are we "toggling"? if so, we might want a different icon to to toggle back to wei.

Hmm, I'm not completely sure where I got that from. I suppose it's to "divide" (by 1e18), but then I guess we would have to replace it with "*" for "multiply by 1e18". I agree with your "toggle", would the "ArrowsRightLeft" icon work better?


technophile-04 commented 1 month ago

Thanks @ByteAtATime !! looking great ! Added a couple of comments and just pushed a small commit at since there was small bug at TxReceipt component more context here

In DisplayContractVarible part, the nested items inside struct and array are highlighted more as compared to normal variable :

Example : ![Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 3 24 51 PM](
Test code : ```sol // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; contract YourContract { struct SimpleStruct { uint256 val; uint256 secondVal; bool flag; address addr; } struct ComplexStruct { uint256 val; bytes data; uint256[5] arr; } uint256[10] public arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; address public owner = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4; address public owner2 = 0x67cE05a68887E1a5fD4F208d3f7F7eC66aCc8534; function simpleArray() public view returns (uint256[10] memory) { return arr; } function updateOwner(address _owner) public { owner = _owner; } function getAddr(address _dummyAddress) public pure returns (address) { return _dummyAddress; } function simpleTuple(uint256 _val) public pure returns (uint256, uint256) { return (_val, _val * 2); } function OnlyDiplaySimpleStruct() public pure returns (SimpleStruct memory) { return SimpleStruct( 5, 5 * 2, true, 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4 ); } function simpleStruct( uint256 _val ) public pure returns (SimpleStruct memory) { return SimpleStruct( _val, _val * 2, true, 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4 ); } function simpleInt(uint256 _val) public pure returns (uint256) { return _val; } function simpleUint256Array( uint256 _val ) public pure returns (uint256[5] memory) { return [_val, _val * 2 ether, _val * 3 ether, _val * 4, _val * 5]; } function complexStruct( uint256 _val ) public pure returns (ComplexStruct memory) { return ComplexStruct( _val, abi.encodePacked(_val), [_val, _val * 2, _val * 3, _val * 4, _val * 5] ); } } ```

if its get too tedious to handle this we could also have another PR which focuses on styling and maybe also have accordian to display complex variables

ByteAtATime commented 1 month ago

Now we're showing the int value, with the "Format as ether" tooltip. Some might think we're converting it to ETH (Ξ symbol on result helps with confusion).

Calculating the symbol of the ERC20 to show it on the tooltip + result may be a good solution, but probably would make the code messy.

Well, the thing is that the contract is not passed into the function, and even if it were we would also need to load the decimals and everything.

If so, maybe changing the tooltip to "Divide by 1e18" helps a bit?

I think this might be the best approach, I will add a commit. If anyone else has any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them!

Or maybe setting the default result to the old one? And letting user multiply.

The problem with this approach is that it might confuse the user that they're receiving a decimal for a uint256 function. (Not sure about this, but I think it might be a problem for new users).

Just thinking out loud! Maybe it's just me that felt it a bit confusing

Nope, it's definitely a problem we need to fix! Never thought of testing it with other contracts haha, great testing!

technophile-04 commented 1 month ago

, with the "Format as ether" tooltip. Some might think we're converting it to ETH (Ξ symbol on result helps with confusion).

Wooah lol didn't thought it but makes sense !!

Calculating the symbol of the ERC20 to show it on the tooltip + result may be a good solution, but probably would make the code messy. If so, maybe changing the tooltip to "Divide by 1e18" helps a bit?

Umm ERC20 symbol will be adding complexity and I think its not worth it that much (sound a great feature for Abi.Ninja though). Like "Divide by 1e18" idea! I think for now it is best approach.

Or maybe setting the default result to the old one? And letting user multiply.

The problem with this approach is that it might confuse the user that they're receiving a decimal for a uint256 function. (Not sure about this, but I think it might be a problem for new users).

Yeah I agree with this also keeping things a bit raw can make it more intuitive for developer too

technophile-04 commented 1 month ago

Tysm @ByteAtATime !! I think we are almost there just added last couple of comments but its looking great !

rin-st commented 1 month ago
Снимок экрана 2024-06-02 в 11 56 23

Noticed that

  1. Color of tooltip in light mode is the same as color of tx result block
  2. Because of overflow-auto sometimes tooltip looks clipped. Not sure hot to fix it easily though. We can add paddings to result but for large tx result with scrolling we still can meet this
ByteAtATime commented 1 month ago

Oh my god... I'd forgotten about this PR!

Thanks @technophile-04 for all the commits and fixes!

What are the main issues that need to be fixed? I see that the <NumberDisplay /> has weird issues with the button, is that the only issue that we have right now?