scaffold-eth / scaffold-eth-2

Open source forkable Ethereum dev stack
MIT License
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up wagmi viem rainbowkit #862

Closed technophile-04 closed 1 month ago

technophile-04 commented 1 month ago


We actually just updated wagmi, viem and rainbowkit last week in #849

But in latest version rainbowkit now allows users to set smartWallet preferece for coinbase, checkout out here

Also in new wagmi version they have update coibasewalletsdk version.

Having this both updated will also help people use latest version coinabsewalletsdk , especially to those who are participating in base hackathon

technophile-04 commented 1 month ago

To test, just copy paste this in app/page.tsx :

Demo page.tsx : ```ts "use client"; import { ReactNode, useState } from "react"; import type { NextPage } from "next"; import { formatEther, parseEther } from "viem"; import { useAccount, useWalletClient } from "wagmi"; import { Address, AddressInput, Balance, EtherInput, InputBase } from "~~/components/scaffold-eth"; import { useScaffoldContract, useScaffoldEventHistory, useScaffoldReadContract, useScaffoldWriteContract, useTransactor, } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-eth"; const ExampleWrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => { return
; }; const Home: NextPage = () => { const { address: connectedAddress } = useAccount(); // ------ State ------ const [newGreeting, setNewGreeting] = useState(""); const [greetingValue, setNewGreetingValue] = useState(""); const [counterAddress, setCounterAddress] = useState(""); // --------------------- SE-2 Custom Hook ------------------- const transactorWrite = useTransactor(); // ---- WRITE METHODS ---- // TEST: Autocompleteion for contractName const { writeContractAsync: writeYourContractAsync } = useScaffoldWriteContract("YourContract"); const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient(); const { data: YourContract } = useScaffoldContract({ // TEST: Autocompleteion for contractName contractName: "YourContract", // TEST: If you remove walletClient, this it should give TS error at line 115 that `write` is not defined property walletClient, }); // --- READ METHODS --- const { data: userGreetingCounter, refetch } = useScaffoldReadContract({ // TEST: Autocompleteion for contractName and functionName contractName: "YourContract", functionName: "userGreetingCounter", args: [counterAddress], query: { enabled: false, }, }); const { data: greetingsChangeLogs } = useScaffoldEventHistory({ contractName: "YourContract", eventName: "GreetingChange", watch: true, fromBlock: 0n, }); return ( <>

Welcome to Scaffold-ETH 2

Connected Address:
{/*--------- Write Demo -------------- */} {/*Demo with useScaffoldContractWrite Input + Value*/}

UseScaffoldContractWrite Example

setNewGreeting(value)} /> setNewGreetingValue(value)} />
{/*Demo with bare useScaffolContract */}

useScaffoldContract Example

setNewGreeting(value)} /> setNewGreetingValue(value)} />
{/*--------- Read Demo -------------- */}

useScaffoldContractRead Example

Counter: {userGreetingCounter?.toString()}

useScaffoldEventHistory Example

{/* head */} {greetingsChangeLogs?.map((log, index) => ( ))}
Address Greetings Premium
{index + 1}
{log.args.newGreeting} {log.args.value ? formatEther(log.args.value) : "0"} ETH
); }; export default Home; ```