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Torrent file fails to play while on calender folder #921

Open xicoxicao opened 6 years ago

xicoxicao commented 6 years ago

Hi guys.

When I try to view an episode using the trakt/calender folder, first the torrent loads fine and starts downloading, but after the buffering is finished, a warning window opens informing:

"One or more items failed to play. Check the log for more information about this message."

Meanwhile, underneath, the file is playing ok.

Upon closing this window, the playback is stopped and I'm asked if I want to continue downloading the file.

I edited the log to get rid of my personal info and closed connections messages: It goes as follows

Funniy, when I go down on the folder tree and start the file again from the torrent folder, the file plays perfectly

I'm using Quasar 0.9.78 on Kodi 17.6 in Windows 7
