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Quasar add-on for Kodi
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Latast version kodi + quasar inapp crash-loop #937

Open blackdragon83 opened 5 years ago

blackdragon83 commented 5 years ago

Hi Everyone

I tried to look up the issue first, but couldnt find a solution that helped me.

So i created a pastebin and hope for further ideas.

Win10x64 localinstall

I already reinstalled kodi + rebooted the machine several times, that didnt help either...

Thanks BD

placidities commented 5 years ago

I already reinstalled kodi + rebooted the machine several times

Did you remove all the app data? uninstall doesn't do that

blackdragon83 commented 5 years ago

i did now, still no better.

here my newest bin:

Thanks BD

marathone commented 5 years ago

All I see are upnp portmap errors and access denied errors because of a lockfile. Did you delete the lockfile before restarting Kodi? Are you running with admin privs or basic user?

blackdragon83 commented 5 years ago

which lockfile do you mean?

i tried running kodi with admin rights, still same.

i also want to mention that other addons like elementum are working and before the last update (the one with the json control) i never had issues with quasar

marathone commented 5 years ago

Read your errors in the log there are 104 of them ... I don't use Windows, but I would wonder why a stale lockfile is hanging around ... Also it doen't seem to be finding the Quasar Plugin.