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Make codebase compatible with 2.12 #171

Closed kiritsuku closed 8 years ago

kiritsuku commented 8 years ago

work in progress - There are still a few remaining test failures:

??? dependency problem
[error] Test failed: expected:<[]> but was:<[scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc]>

[error] Test failed: expected:<scala.[]util.Random> but was:<scala.[Predef.intWrapper
[error] scala.]util.Random>

[error] Test failed: expected:<...ion.JavaConversions.[]bufferAsJavaList
[error] sca...> but was:<...ion.JavaConversions.[deprecated ]bufferAsJavaList
[error] sca...>

[error] Test failed: expected:<...ion.JavaConversions.[]bufferAsJavaList> but was:<...ion.JavaConversion
s.[deprecated ]bufferAsJavaList>

[error] Test failed: expected:<scala.[collection.JavaConversions.]asScalaBuffer> but was:<scala
[error] scala.collection.JavaConversions.deprecated ]asScalaBuffer>

[error] Test failed: expected:<[]> but was:<[scala.Predef.byteArrayOps
[error] scala.reflect.`package`.materializeClassTag]>

[error] Test failed: expected:<test.[DarkMagic
[error] test.]Magic> but was:<test.[]Magic>

??? add import/organize import problem
[error] Test failed: expected:<...TypeParameters
[error]     []trait Empty[A]/*)*/ ...> but was:<...TypeParameters
[error]     [import scala.collection.immutable.Nil
[error]     ]trait Empty[A]/*)*/ ...>

??? pretty printer problem
[error] Test failed: expected:<class Test {
[error]   val [List(one, three, eight) = List](1, 3, 8)
[error] }> but was:<class Test {
[error]   val [scala.collection.immutable.List(one, three, eight) = scala.collection.immutable.List.apply](1, 3, 8)
[error] }>

[error] Test failed: expected:< match {
[error]     case []Seq(car, _*) => car
[error] ...> but was:< match {
[error]     case [scala.collection.]Seq(car, _*) => car
[error] ...>

[error] Test failed: expected:<...bject Functions {
[error]   [List(1, 2) match {
[error]     case i => i
[error]   }
[error]   List(1, 2).map {
[error]     case i if i > 5 => i
[error]   }
[error]   List(1, 2).map {
[error]     case i: Int => i
[error]   }
[error]   List(1, 2).map {
[error]     case a @ (i: Int) => i
[error]   }
[error]   List(1, 2).map {
[error]     case _ => 42
[error]   }
[error]   List(1, 2) match {
[error]     case (x, xs) => x
[error]   }
[error]   List](1, 2).map {
[error]     cas...> but was:<...bject Functions {
[error]   [scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2) match {
[error]     case i => i
[error]   }
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2).map {
[error]     case i if i > 5 => i
[error]   }
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2).map {
[error]     case i: Int => i
[error]   }
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2).map {
[error]     case a @ (i: Int) => i
[error]   }
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2).map {
[error]     case _ => 42
[error]   }
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2) match {
[error]     case (x, xs) => x
[error]   }
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply](1, 2).map {
[error]     cas...>

[error] Test failed: expected:<...bject Functions {
[error]   [List(1, 2).map((i: Int) => i + 1)
[error]   val sum: Seq[Int] => Int = _.reduceLeft(_ + _)
[error]   List(1, 2).map(_ + 1)
[error]   List](1, 2).map(i => i + ...> but was:<...bject Functions {
[error]   [scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2).map((i: Int) => i + 1)
[error]   val sum: Seq[Int] => Int = _.reduceLeft(_ + _)
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(1, 2).map(_ + 1)
[error]   scala.collection.immutable.List.apply](1, 2).map(i => i + ...>

[error] Test failed: expected:<...t[Rename1.Person] = [List](Person.apply("Mirko...> but was:<...t[Rename1.Person] = [scala.collection.immutable.

[error] Test failed: expected:<...T extends T {
[error]       [override final ]lazy val meth = 0
[error]   ...> but was:<...T extends T {
[error]       []lazy val meth = 0
[error]   ...>

Fixes #168

ghprb-bot commented 8 years ago

Test FAILed.

wpopielarski commented 8 years ago

Well, my advice is to ignore tests and release version for 2.12 as it is just to have a tool to debug it. Looks like there are some changes in trees processing by compiler (seems it is wiser that 2.11) so ExtractTrait.perform gives more Changes than in case of 2.11.

fommil commented 8 years ago

interesting, looks like we're getting back FQNs where we expect short names.

mlangc commented 8 years ago

I'm with @wpopielarski; also, we can then split the effort of fixing the tests into multiple PRs.

kiritsuku commented 8 years ago

Alright, we can do it this way. I can switch back to 2.11 in the sbt build but then we have the problem of having only half-baked 2.12 support. I don't know though if it makes it easier to get to full 2.12 support this way.

ghprb-bot commented 8 years ago

Test PASSed.

wpopielarski commented 8 years ago