Open florianmutter opened 3 years ago
2021-07-13 20:06:35,729 INFO fid-dev/guinevere is outdated:
PR outdated: com.typesafe.akka:(akka-stream-testkit, akka-stream-testkit_2.12) : 2.6.14 -> 2.6.15 (
It detected an already existing PR ( that (maybe) needed to be synchronized with the base branch. But apparently it didn't found and updated that PR and created a new one instead. What happened with Was it deleted?
It is still open but it is a PR with multiple updates all in one: In both PRs it updates exactly the same variable used for all akka dependencies but in the second it only detected one dependency that needs updating... at least in the logs.
Change from initial PR:
Change from newly created PR:
So it seems it did not manage to connect the old PR with the new update?
We have set
pullRequests.frequency = "0 0 1 * ?"
in our.scala-steward.conf
. Our expectation is that scala steward only creates new pull requests on the 1. of each month. Scala steward runs every day in the evening.Despite the config it created a new pull request a few days ago. Here is the log: