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Use a circular buffer implementation for mutable.ArrayBuffer #10167

Open scabug opened 7 years ago

scabug commented 7 years ago

Scala's mutable.ArrayBuffer provides the following asymptotic run-times:

constant-time: append, get, update
linear-time: prepend, remove, trimStart, trimRight, clear

We can make make an isolated change to the way we use the internal array (making it a ring-buffer) to get the following performance:

constant-time: append, get, update, prepend, trimStart, trimRight, clear
linear-time: remove (removing x items from start or end is also constant-time)

This is strictly better than the current implementation and the change required is minimal.

Here is a proof of concept implementation:

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

  * A data structure that provides O(1) get, update, length, append, prepend, clear, trimStart and trimRight
  * @tparam A
class CircularBuffer[A: ClassTag](initialSize: Int = 1<<4) extends mutable.Buffer[A] {
  private var array = Array.ofDim[A](initialSize)
  private var start, end = 0

  override def apply(idx: Int) = {
    array(mod(start + idx))

  override def update(idx: Int, elem: A) = {
    array(mod(start + idx)) = elem

  override def length = mod(mod(end) - mod(start))

  override def +=(elem: A) = {
    array(mod(end)) = elem
    end += 1

  override def clear() = start = end

  override def +=:(elem: A) = {
    start -= 1
    array(mod(start)) = elem

  override def prependAll(xs: TraversableOnce[A]) =
    xs.toSeq.reverse.foreach(x => x +=: this)

  override def insertAll(idx: Int, elems: Traversable[A]) = {
    if (idx == 0) {
    } else {
      val shift = (idx until size).map(this)
      end = start + idx
      this ++= elems ++= shift

  override def remove(idx: Int) = {
    val elem = this(idx)
    remove(idx, 1)

  override def remove(idx: Int, count: Int) = {
    if (idx + count >= size) {
      end = start + idx
    } else if (count > 0) {
      if (idx == 0) {
        start += count
      } else {
        ((idx + count) until size).foreach(i => this(i - count) = this(i))
        end -= count

    * Trims the capacity of this CircularBuffer's instance to be the current size
  def trimToSize(): Unit = resizeTo(size)

  override def iterator =

  override def trimStart(n: Int) = if (n >= size) clear() else if (n >= 0) start += n

  override def trimEnd(n: Int) = if (n >= size) clear() else if (n >= 0) end -= n

  override def head = this(0)

  override def last = this(size - 1)

  private def mod(x: Int) = Math.floorMod(x, array.length)

  private def resizeTo(len: Int) = {
    require(len >= size)
    val array2 = Array.ofDim[A](len)
    val (l, r) = (mod(start), mod(end))
    if (l <= r) {
      Array.copy(src = array, srcPos = l, dest = array2, destPos = 0, length = size)
    } else {
      val s = array.length - l
      Array.copy(src = array, srcPos = l, dest = array2, destPos = 0, length = s)
      Array.copy(src = array, srcPos = 0, dest = array2, destPos = s, length = r)
    end = size
    start = 0
    array = array2

  private def checkIndex(idx: Int) = if(!isDefinedAt(idx)) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

  private def ensureCapacity() = if (size == array.length - 1) resizeTo(2 * array.length)

Source + Tests:

scabug commented 7 years ago

Imported From: Reporter: Pathikrit Bhowmick (