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REPL: tab completion: use JLine grouping feature to present choices in groups #12281

Open SethTisue opened 3 years ago

SethTisue commented 3 years ago

The main goal is to deemphasize deprecated methods and universal methods.

We attempted this for 2.13.3 but were blocked by JLine bugs (or so it seemed to me, I don't think I was just doing it wrong?). The situation may be improved in recent JLine releases, see e.g. some old WIP on this

We might also want to separate extension methods from built-in methods?

A stretch goal could be to use the Scaladoc groupings (idea from @martijnhoekstra)

SethTisue commented 3 years ago

how to use a local build of JLine 3: mvn install from the JLine repo to publish to ~/m2, then edit our, e.g.:


then set Global / resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal (but it won't work if you have in your SBT_OPTS)

SethTisue commented 3 years ago

I rebased my WIP branch.

Regardless of whether we use JLine 3.17.1 or a locally built snapshot, the current behavior is as follows. When you first hit TAB, it works:

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 1 21 48 PM

but then as you soon as you tab into the groups, the groups vanish:

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 1 22 25 PM

which has been reported at

ah, but in the fix is that you have to explicitly ask for GROUP_PERSIST(false), let me try that

SethTisue commented 3 years ago

okay GROUP_PERSIST(false) gives behavior that seems okay first, but then pretty quickly you discover that arrow key navigation is all messed up, both up/down arrow and left/right arrow behave weirdly (in different ways)

and that's , which was closed, but not because it actually got fixed

SethTisue commented 3 years ago

conclusion: I'm taking this off the 2.13.5 milestone and backlogging it. let's hope this eventually gets fixed upstream.

or, would a volunteer like to try and fix it upstream...?