Closed counter2015 closed 1 year ago
is an overloaded method, with one overload being a subtype of another overload.
object X {
def schedule(x: Duration, f: Runnable) = 1
def schedule(x: FiniteDuration, f: Runnable) = 2
X.schedule(3.seconds, () => println("doesn't work"))
The previous comment "subtype of an overload" ought to say "is more specific than another alternative".
scala> import concurrent._, duration._
import concurrent._
import duration._
scala> object X {
| def schedule(x: Duration, f: Runnable) = 1
| def schedule(x: FiniteDuration, f: Runnable) = 2
| }
object X
scala> X.schedule(3.seconds, () => println("doesn't work"))
error: type mismatch;
found : () => Unit
required: Runnable
scala> def g(f: Runnable) = 42
def g(f: Runnable): Int
scala> g(() => println("it's a runnable"))
val res1: Int = 42
I don't know why that is a problem, but unrelatedly I hope github offers a feature to ensure that snippets compile, as in scaladoc. That would amaze me.
The previous comment "subtype of an overload" ought to say "is more specific than another alternative".
I refuse.
I investigated for a while. It seems that this is caused by overloading, but the specific reason is not clear and I'm still a novice. Seems to be here?
has anyone gone digging for past tickets on the interactions between SAM conversion and overloading? I feel like that's a feature intersection that has come up before, perhaps repeatedly
Reproduction steps
Scala Version: 2.13.8
I cant reproduce it by raw scala, it's only reproduce in akka function.
I'm not sure if the bug is also related to
.Add akka library in sbt
And then compile following code
And here is the
methodCompile failed with error
Following code works well
IMO, the compiler should convert
() => scala.Unit
. What's the problem here ?Environment:
sbt: 1.6.2 jdk: corretto 17, openjdk 11