scala / bug

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Package protected class cannot extend a public sealed generic class with a protected constructor #12756

Closed noresttherein closed 1 year ago

noresttherein commented 1 year ago

Reproduction steps

Scala version: 2.13.10

package test {
    sealed class Seal[X] protected (x :String) {
        protected def this() = this("")
    protected[test] class Walrus extends Seal


constructor Seal in class Seal cannot be accessed in package test from package test
 Access to protected constructor Seal not permitted because
 enclosing package test is not a subclass of
 class Seal in package test where target is defined
    protected[test] class Walrus extends Seal

A bummer because it is a useful technique for 'unsealing' a class for a class in another file.

SethTisue commented 1 year ago

assuming you mean extends Seal[String] or some such and not just extends Seal (because otherwise "Missing type parameter for test.Seal"), Scala 3 accepts this

offhand this like something we'd be unlikely to tinker with in a Scala 2 context, but I could certainly be wrong

som-snytt commented 1 year ago
