scala / bug

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Iterator.drop susceptible to arithmetic overflow #12822

Closed noresttherein closed 7 months ago

noresttherein commented 11 months ago

Reproduction steps

Scala version: 2.13.11




SethTisue commented 11 months ago


yzia2000 commented 10 months ago

Yeah can see the arithmetic overflow happening with the Iterator. The drop function in Iterator is implemented using the SliceIterator which maintains a variable called dropping of type Int. So if we add 1 to it and then Int.MaxValue, it will overflow and cause no dropping to actually be done as highlighted.

  private[scala] final class SliceIterator[A](val underlying: Iterator[A], start: Int, limit: Int) extends AbstractIterator[A] {
    private[this] var remaining = limit
    private[this] var dropping  = start

    override protected def sliceIterator(from: Int, until: Int): Iterator[A] = {
      val lo = from max 0
      def adjustedBound =
        if (unbounded) -1
        else 0 max (remaining - lo)
      val rest =
        if (until < 0) adjustedBound          // respect current bound, if any
        else if (until <= lo) 0               // empty
        else if (unbounded) until - lo        // now finite
        else adjustedBound min (until - lo)   // keep lesser bound
      if (rest == 0) empty
      else {
        dropping += lo
        remaining = rest

If Iterators are only supposed to carry a maximum of Int.MaxValue elements (notice that variables like knownSize is of type Int). We can simply max the dropping variable:

dropping = max(Long.MaxValue, dropping + offset)

Another solution that I am not too keen on is changing dropping to type BigInt.

He-Pin commented 10 months ago
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.4.0 (Scala 2.12.13 Java 1.8.0_341)
@ println(List(1).iterator.drop(1).drop(Int.MaxValue).toList)


This works fine in 2.12, maybe better to run the tests against both versions. @SethTisue