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View.Patched is private[collections] as the only view in View #12825

Open noresttherein opened 11 months ago

noresttherein commented 11 months ago

This is not a bug, an inconsistent feature and a trivial 'enhancement' proposal.

Reproduction steps

Scala version: 2.13.10

All views in View corresponding to various IterableOps and IterableOnce methods are public, with an exception of Patched. Shouldn't it be public like the rest o them?

Apologies if there is a good reason for things being this way, but I was unable to discern it, and it seems like an oversight.

SethTisue commented 11 months ago


yzia2000 commented 10 months ago

Seems to be done as part of this commit

som-snytt commented 10 months ago

where "to be done" means it was implemented this way, not that the issue was fixed.

Sadly, I missed out on the collections rewrite, which was at

The readme says to consult this branch

Too bad it's not easier to find history; or is it?

git blame allows navigation to the commit and PR which is some work but amazingly possible.

The change was commented upon (remarkably):

I also made this class private because it takes an IterableOnce as parameter.

I see that other view classes take IterableOps of unknown collection type, except that from handles IterableOnce. I'm not sure what that means, but my time box just expired.

Footnote: I used to be blase about whether a remark is in the commit message or the PR, where the choice is to bloat the (distributed) repository or tie archaeology to the (centralized) repository. I think I may mentally switch to a model of preserving all commits, and preserving all relevant conversation in commit messages (that is, exclusive of puns). I have read helpful commit messages with cut/paste convos; that should be semi-automated by code review tool.