scala / bug

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Scala doc should not require FQCN for build. #12884

Closed He-Pin closed 5 months ago

He-Pin commented 9 months ago

Reproduction steps

Scala version: 2.13

refs: refs:

[error] /path/actor/src/main/scala/org/apache/pekko/actor/Scheduler.scala:16:18: Unused import
[error] Applicable -Wconf / @nowarn filters for this fatal warning: msg=<part of the message>, cat=unused-imports,
[error] import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
[error]                  ^
[error] one error found
[error] (actor / Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed


   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given delays exceed the maximum
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given delays exceed the maximum


  1. scaladoc should support FQCN be imported
  2. the unused-imports should not be needed if it's been used in scaladoc.
som-snytt commented 9 months ago


import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException  // makes no difference

/** This class is classy. Use it.
class C {
  /** f does stuff!
   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException whenever
  def f() = throw new IllegalArgumentException

The issue is that scaladoc needs the class name to be fully qualified; adding an import does not help.

I did not try various scaladoc options. dottydoc runs quietly but also links nothing.

SethTisue commented 5 months ago

duplicate of #3695