scala / bug

Scala 2 bug reports only. Please, no questions — proper bug reports only.
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Default implicit not enabled for outer object if it is not a singleton #12952

Closed tribbloid closed 4 months ago

tribbloid commented 4 months ago

Reproduction steps

Scala version: 2.13.12

object ImplicitDefaultScope {
  trait Case[T]
  object case1 {
    trait Outer {
      case class A(v: String)
      implicit def caseA: Case[A] = ???
      def fn(o: Outer) = {


Compiles in Scala 3 (tested 3.4-SNAPSHOT)

Failed in Scala 2:

: could not find implicit value for parameter e: ai.acyclic.prover.commons.util.ImplicitDefaultScope.Case[o.A]
tribbloid commented 4 months ago

wondering if there is an easy fix in Scala 2

SethTisue commented 4 months ago

When opening a ticket in scala/bug, please don't just offer code that doesn't compile; you are expected to make a case that this is a bug in Scala 2. Make arguments; link to related tickets; provide evidence that your minimization is actually minimal; consider quoting relevant spec language.

If you feel you don't have the time or energy for that and just want to ask your question, please use instead of the bug tracker.

SethTisue commented 4 months ago

btw, we've recently improved the repo readme here in scala/bug to emphasize this more; see and the recent discussion on #12949

som-snytt commented 4 months ago

☑️ compiles in dotty

The implicit is available via the prefix of o.A, not just the prefix of Case. The implicit scope is the implicit scopes of all the parts.

(Note: these are not local types, which is a traditional heel of Achilles.)

SethTisue commented 4 months ago

Minimized a bit to remove distracting extra code:

trait Case[T]
trait Outer {
  case class A(v: String)
  implicit def caseA: Case[A] = ???
def fn(o: Outer) =
SethTisue commented 4 months ago

As an example of what I mean by citing relevant documentation before filing a bug report, is there anything relevant in ...? If you looked carefully and you became convinced that there isn't, say so in your report.

som-snytt commented 4 months ago

☑️ tldr;

The important change is that packages in the prefix no longer contribute; that was lrytz's recent warning.

wondering if there is an easy fix in Scala 2

Not sure if "fix" means "workaround" or "fix that might make it into 2.13.14".

SethTisue commented 4 months ago

that was lrytz's recent warning

I guess you mean ? I haven't looked closely at it, but the title implies it's specific to package prefixes, but here the prefix o isn't a package?

som-snytt commented 4 months ago

Yes, I intended to say that the significant change does not apply to this case.

tribbloid commented 4 months ago

@SethTisue you are right they are different. The prefix o is a non-singleton, non-package object.

For the others, I'll try to revise all the tickets in the past (and re-open them if necessary)

SethTisue commented 4 months ago

thanks. and yes, any closing of tickets is only provisional

joroKr21 commented 4 months ago

I think the relevant difference in the spec is:

Scala 3

If T is a reference to an anchor of the form p.A then S also includes all term references on the path p.


if T is a singleton type p.type, the parts of the type of p;

"Parts of the type of p" include e.g. object Outer (because o: Outer) but not o.type itself.