scala / bug

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CVE-2023-50572: Found this vulnerability in scala-compiler-2.13.12 #12969

Closed devanshraghuvanshi closed 3 months ago

devanshraghuvanshi commented 3 months ago

Reproduction steps

scala-compiler-2.13.12 has jline-3.22.0.jar as a dependency which is having vulnerabilty:


How can we remediate this vulnerability (

Also, 2.13.13 version of scala compiler which is using jline 3.24.1 is also vulnerable and it needs to be shifted to above jline version 3.25.0.

lrytz commented 3 months ago

IIUC, the corresponding bug ( is in GroovyEngine, which we don't use. That class is even in a separate artifact org.jline:jline-groovy which we don't depend on.

If there's a way this bug can be triggered in Scala, please re-open.

SethTisue commented 3 months ago

I second Lukas that the vulnerable class does not exist in the JAR we depend on.

Regardless, we expect to release Scala 2.13.14 soon, like within the next few weeks, and it will include the JLine 3.25.1 upgrade, as per . So at that point even the appearance of an issue will vanish.