scala / bug

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Split up -sourcepath usage between scaladoc and -Y option for bootstrapping #7125

Open scabug opened 11 years ago

scabug commented 11 years ago

-sourcepath should be a -Y setting, it's only used for compiling the standard library.

A separate flag should be added for Scaladoc, to support -doc-source-url.

Apply the same change to Scala 3.

Older discussion!topic/scala-internals/8xbRfONJL7U.

scabug commented 11 years ago

Imported From: Reporter: @VladUreche Affected Versions: 2.11.0-M1

lrytz commented 3 weeks ago

@SethTisue agree with the proposed cleanup here? It should be coordinated with Scala 3. (I updated the issue description).

SethTisue commented 3 weeks ago

I haven't encountered -sourcepath before, either personally or in online discussions. But I read your comment ( and I don't see any reason to object.