Closed scabug closed 6 years ago
Imported From: Reporter: @retronym Affected Versions: 2.10.0 Attachments:
@JamesIry said: Is this a 2.10.2-RC1 regression?
@retronym said: I don't believe so. I've pushed the fix version out.
@retronym said (edited on May 29, 2013 7:07:58 AM UTC): Here's a standalone test case. The same line number information is emitted in 2.10.0 as 2.10.2-RC1.
class Test {
@inline final def foo[A](a: => A) = a
def client {
foo {
println("line 6")
With -optimize
, nothing on line 6.
scala> :javap -v Test
public void client();
Stack=2, Locals=2, Args_size=1
0: getstatic #28; //Field scala/Predef$.MODULE$:Lscala/Predef$;
3: astore_1
4: getstatic #33; //Field scala/Console$.MODULE$:Lscala/Console$;
7: ldc #35; //String line 6
9: invokevirtual #39; //Method scala/Console$.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
12: return
Start Length Slot Name Signature
0 13 0 this LTest;
line 5: 0
Without -optimize
, closure creation and apply on line 6, as expected.
scala> :javap -v Test
public void client();
Stack=4, Locals=1, Args_size=1
0: aload_0
1: new #24; //class Test$$anonfun$client$1
4: dup
5: aload_0
6: invokespecial #28; //Method Test$$anonfun$client$1."<init>":(LTest;)V
9: invokevirtual #30; //Method foo:(Lscala/Function0;)Ljava/lang/Object;
12: pop
13: return
Start Length Slot Name Signature
0 14 0 this LTest;
line 5: 0
line 6: 1
line 5: 9
scala> :javap -v Test$$anonfun$client$1
public final java.lang.Object apply();
Stack=1, Locals=1, Args_size=1
0: aload_0
1: invokevirtual #37; //Method apply:()V
4: getstatic #43; //Field scala/runtime/BoxedUnit.UNIT:Lscala/runtime/BoxedUnit;
7: areturn
Start Length Slot Name Signature
0 8 0 this LTest$$anonfun$client$1;
line 6: 0
@retronym said: Here's a patch that fixes this. But I'm not familiar enough with the intent of the original code to be sure its a) appropriate and b) complete.
WIP SI-7518 Position retention for inlined code …
The inliner was positioning all inlined instructions
at the method call (`targetPos). This makes debugging
of code compiled under `-optimize` difficult.
This commit retains the original position of the
inlined instruction if it is in the same source file
as the method call.
TODO: This still seems aribtrary. What was the intent
of using `targetPos`? Should we expand the above to
any source position? What about code inlined from class
files: should they be treated any differently?
James, assigning this to you for an opinion.
@retronym said: After thinking about this for a bit longer, its now obvious that we can only retain the line numbers in the limited (but useful!) condition used in my patch.
@retronym said: Just added a commit with an additional test case that shows a bug in my patch.
@JamesIry said: One of the stupid limitations of the JVM is that every .class file has only one associated source file name and chunks of bytecode are assigned to lines within that source file. See and .
TL;DR Inlining from one source file into another source file must lose debug information.
@JamesIry said (edited on May 29, 2013 4:17:03 PM UTC): Ah, but wait, Java 7 has an answer. There's a new attribute and JSR-45 specifies what goes into that attribute Because the attribute is invisible to JVMs prior to 7, it should be safe to add this functionality.
@retronym said: It would be great to start with the dumb-but-Java-6-compatible version to at least retain line number info from the same file. Inlining a closure or by-name argument is so common, I'd really like to be able to set a break point in them.
But I got a bit lost in the code trying to implement this correctly.
@JamesIry said: Agreed. Even if/when we can do the super-duper-extended-attribute version, we probably mostly don't want to except in cases where it's necessary as it will make class files that much larger. I'll take a look at the code.
@magarciaEPFL said: The new optimizer isn't prone to this bug. In the example, the closure body (which is invoked from the inlined higher-order method) contains the correct line number information:
// access flags 0x1A
private final static dlgt$27b8b21$1()V
GETSTATIC scala/Predef$.MODULE$ : Lscala/Predef$;
LDC "line 6"
INVOKEVIRTUAL scala/Predef$.println (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
A sidenote: Why aren't the instructions above also inlined alongside the instructions inlined for the higher-order method? Inlining a static method (e.g., the delegate above) is better done by the VM. Moreover, that's what the current optimizer does, with the consequence that:
the current optimizer duplicates a closure body whenever that closure's apply() is invoked, the resulting code size taxes the JIT compiler.
With the new optimizer, the only way to avoid the code-duplication above is to write "optimizer-quirks-aware" code, as was done for immutable.Range
@retronym said: @Miguel: Just to confirm: does the new backend take care not to attach line number information from other sourcefiles, if the inlined method and inline target are in different compilation units?
@magarciaEPFL said: I guess the new backend currently doesn't pay attention to that distinction (debug info originating in other source files). I'll fix it after finding out.
@retronym said: Updating fix-by version to 2.11.5.
@lrytz should this stay open?
no, let's track the rest at
In the attached screenshot, debugging Scala 2.10.2-RC1, you can see the call stack shows
I expect:
Where line 881 is in the inlined lambda.