scala / bug

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Test Suite fails under -no-specialization #8707

Closed scabug closed 6 years ago

scabug commented 10 years ago

Resolution of this issue should also come with a -no-specialization nightly build.

Log of failed tests below. At least some of them are due to #7481.

  [partest] Partest version:     
  [partest] Compiler under test: $baseDir/scala-compiler.jar
  [partest] Scala version is:    Scala compiler version 2.11.2-20140704-101455-3381cbbeff -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL
  [partest] Scalac options are:  -no-specialization
  [partest] Compilation Path:    $baseDir/scala-library.jar:$baseDir/scala-reflect.jar:$baseDir/scala-compiler.jar:$baseDir/scalap.jar:$baseDir/scala-actors.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-partest_2.11/1.0.1-SNAPSHOT/scala-partest_2.11-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.8.4/ant-1.8.4.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant-launcher/1.8.4/ant-launcher-1.8.4.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/java-diff-utils/diffutils/1.3.0/diffutils-1.3.0.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/scala-sbt/test-interface/1.0/test-interface-1.0.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.2/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.2.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-parser-combinators_2.11/1.0.1/scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.1.jar:/Users/luc/.m2/repository/org/scalacheck/scalacheck_2.11/1.11.3/scalacheck_2.11-1.11.3.jar:$baseDir/scala-partest-extras.jar:$baseDir/scala-partest-javaagent.jar:$sourceDir/lib/annotations.jar:$sourceDir/lib/enums.jar:$sourceDir/lib/genericNest.jar:$sourceDir/lib/jsoup-1.3.1.jar:$sourceDir/lib/macro210.jar:$sourceDir/lib/methvsfield.jar:$sourceDir/lib/nest.jar

  [partest] Java binaries in:    /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
  [partest] Java runtime is:     Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-462, mixed mode)
  [partest] Java options are:    
  [partest] baseDir:             /Users/luc/scala/scala/build/pack/lib
  [partest] sourceDir:           /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files
  [partest] Running 1252 tests in 'pos' at Fri Jul 04 10:20:50 CEST 2014

  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Byte]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/pos/t287.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Byte].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Byte].<arr><init>(2)
  [partest] exception when typing val foo: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte].<arr><init>(2)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val foo: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte].<arr><init>(2);
  [partest]   mystream.super.write(foo);
  [partest]   mystream.super.write(foo, 0, foo.<arr>length())
  [partest] }

  [partest] !!  550 - pos/t287.scala                            [compilation failed]

  [partest] !! 210 - neg/spec-overrides.scala                  [expected compilation failure]

  [partest] !! 409 - neg/t4417.scala                           [expected compilation failure]
  [partest] !! 422 - neg/t4541.scala                           [expected compilation failure]
  [partest] !! 424 - neg/t4541b.scala                          [expected compilation failure]
  [partest] !! 496 - neg/t5564.scala                           [expected compilation failure]
  [partest] !! 826 - neg/valueclasses.scala                    [output differs]
  [partest] Running 1615 tests in 'run' at Fri Jul 04 10:23:56 CEST 2014
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Long]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/adding-growing-set.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Long].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Long].<arr><init>(1000000)
  [partest] exception when typing val a: Array[Long] = new Array[Long].<arr><init>(1000000)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val a: Array[Long] = new Array[Long].<arr><init>(1000000);
  [partest]$extension0(scala.this.Predef.intWrapper(1), 10000).foreach({
  [partest]     @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 with Serializable {
  [partest]       def <init>(): <$anon: Function1> = {
  [partest]         $anonfun.super.<init>();
  [partest]         ()
  [partest]       };

  [partest] !!    1 - run/adding-growing-set.scala              [compilation failed]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/arraycopy.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10)
  [partest] exception when typing val a: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val a: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10);
  [partest]   val b: Array[Object] = new Array[Object].<arr><init>(10);
  [partest]   RichInt.this.until$extension0(scala.this.Predef.intWrapper(0), 10).foreach({
  [partest]     @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 with Serializable {
  [partest]       def <init>(): <$anon: Function1> = {
  [partest]         $anonfun.super.<init>();
  [partest]         ()
  [partest]       };
  [partest]       final def apply(i: Int): Unit = b.<arr>update(i, i);
  [partest]       final <bridge> <artifact> def apply(v1: Object): Object = $anonfun.this.apply(v1)
  [partest]     };
  [partest]     (new <$anon: Function1>(): Function1)
  [partest]   });

  [partest] !!   10 - run/arraycopy.scala                       [compilation failed]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[String]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/bridges.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[String].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[String].<arr><init>(Help.this.max())
  [partest] exception when typing private[this] var vars: Array[String] = new Array[String].<arr><init>(Help.this.max())
  [partest] exception when typing object Help extends Object {
  [partest]   def <init>(): Help.type = {
  [partest]     Help.super.<init>();
  [partest]     ()
  [partest]   };
  [partest]   private[this] val max: Int = 4;
  [partest]   <stable> <accessor> def max(): Int = Help.this.max;
  [partest]   private[this] var next: Int = 0;
  [partest]   <accessor> def next(): Int =;
  [partest]   <accessor> def next_=(x$1: Int): Unit = = x$1;
  [partest]   private[this] var vars: Array[String] = new Array[String].<arr><init>(Help.this.max());
  [partest]   <accessor> def vars(): Array[String] = Help.this.vars;
  [partest]   <accessor> def vars_=(x$1: Array[String]): Unit = Help.this.vars = x$1;
  [partest]   def init(): Unit = {
  [partest]     var i: Int = 0;
  [partest]     while$1(){
  [partest]       if (i.<(Help.this.max()))
  [partest]         {
  [partest]           {
  [partest]             Help.this.vars().<arr>update(i, null);
  [partest]             i = i.+(1)
  [partest]           };
  [partest]           while$1()
  [partest]         }
  [partest]       else
  [partest]         ()
  [partest]     };
  [partest]     Help.this.next_=(0)
  [partest]   };

  [partest] !!   52 - run/bridges.scala                         [compilation failed]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/lazy-leaks.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>(1048576)
  [partest] exception when typing val data: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(1048576)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val data: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(1048576);
  [partest]   val lz: Lazy = new Lazy({
  [partest]     @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0 with Serializable {
  [partest]       def <init>($outer: <$anon: Function1>): <$anon: Function0> = {
  [partest]         $anonfun.super.<init>();
  [partest]         ()
  [partest]       };
  [partest]       final def apply(): Int = data.<arr>length();
  [partest]       <synthetic> <paramaccessor> <artifact> private[this] val $outer: <$anon: Function1> = _;
  [partest]       <synthetic> <stable> <artifact> def $outer(): <$anon: Function1> = $anonfun.this.$outer;
  [partest]       final <bridge> <artifact> def apply(): Object = $anonfun.this.apply()
  [partest]     };
  [partest]     (new <$anon: Function0>($anonfun.this): Function0)
  [partest]   });
  [partest]   Test.this.buffer().+=(lz);
  [partest]   lz.get()
  [partest] }

  [partest] !!  184 - run/lazy-leaks.scala                      [compilation failed]
  [partest] !!  635 - run/spec-nlreturn.scala                   [output differs]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/t2446.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10000)
  [partest] exception when typing val arr: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10000)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val arr: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10000);
  [partest]   arr.<arr>update(5000, 1);
  [partest]   arr.<arr>update(9000, 2);
  [partest]   val sum: Int = scala.this.Predef.intArrayOps(arr).reduceRight({
  [partest]     @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2 with Serializable {
  [partest]       def <init>(): <$anon: Function2> = {
  [partest]         $anonfun.super.<init>();
  [partest]         ()
  [partest]       };
  [partest]       final def apply(x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Int = x$1.+(x$2);
  [partest]       final <bridge> <artifact> def apply(v1: Object, v2: Object): Object = $anonfun.this.apply(v1, v2)
  [partest]     };
  [partest]     (new <$anon: Function2>(): Function2)
  [partest]   });
  [partest]   scala.this.Predef.println(sum)
  [partest] }

  [partest] !!  752 - run/t2446.scala                           [compilation failed]
  [partest] !!  851 - run/t3575.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] !!  976 - run/t4794.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1054 - run/t5284b.scala                          [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1058 - run/t5284c.scala                          [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1083 - run/t5488-fn.scala                        [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1085 - run/t5488.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1086 - run/t5500.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1087 - run/t5500b.scala                          [output differs]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/t5880.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>(groups)
  [partest] exception when typing val hits: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(groups)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val tests: Int = 5000;
  [partest]   val jm: java.util.Map = scala.collection.JavaConversions.mutableMapAsJavaMap(scala.collection.mutable.Map.apply(RichInt.this.until$extension0(scala.this.Predef.intWrapper(0), tests).zip(RichInt.this.until$extension0(scala.this.Predef.intWrapper(0), tests).reverse(), immutable.this.IndexedSeq.canBuildFrom())));
  [partest]   val es: java.util.Set = jm.entrySet();
  [partest]   val it: java.util.Iterator = es.iterator();
  [partest]   val groups: Int = 10;
  [partest]   val hits: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(groups);
  [partest]   def hit(hc: Int): Unit = {
  [partest]     val bucket: Int = scala.math.`package`.abs(hc)./(2147483647./(groups));
  [partest]     hits.<arr>update(bucket, hits.<arr>apply(bucket).+(1))
  [partest]   };

  [partest] !! 1150 - run/t5923b                                [compilation failed]
  [partest] !! 1183 - run/t6028.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1208 - run/t6223.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] !! 1233 - run/t6308.scala                           [output differs]

  [partest] !! 1289 - run/t6555.scala                           [output differs]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/t6827.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10)
  [partest] exception when typing private[this] val arr: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10)
  [partest] exception when typing object Test extends Object with App {
  [partest]   def <init>(): Test.type = {
  [partest]     Test.super.<init>();
  [partest]     Test.this./*App$class*/$init$();
  [partest]     ()
  [partest]   };
  [partest]   private[this] val ns: scala.collection.immutable.Range = RichInt.this.until$extension0(scala.this.Predef.intWrapper(0), 20);
  [partest]   <stable> <accessor> def ns(): scala.collection.immutable.Range = Test.this.ns;
  [partest]   private[this] val arr: Array[Int] = new Array[Int].<arr><init>(10);
  [partest]   <stable> <accessor> def arr(): Array[Int] = Test.this.arr;
  [partest]   def tryit(label: String, start: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
  [partest]     val status: String = try {

  [partest] !! 1327 - run/t6827.scala                           [compilation failed]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Object]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/t6969.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Object].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Object].<arr><init>(RichLong.this.min$extension(scala.this.Predef.longWrapper(java.this.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()), 2147483647L).toInt())
  [partest] exception when typing try {
  [partest]   new Array[Object].<arr><init>(RichLong.this.min$extension(scala.this.Predef.longWrapper(java.this.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()), 2147483647L).toInt())
  [partest] } catch {
  [partest]   case (_: OutOfMemoryError) => ()
  [partest]   case (t @ (_: Throwable)) => scala.this.Predef.println(t)
  [partest] }
  [partest] exception when typing final def choke(): Object = try {
  [partest]   new Array[Object].<arr><init>(RichLong.this.min$extension(scala.this.Predef.longWrapper(java.this.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()), 2147483647L).toInt())

  [partest] !! 1342 - run/t6969.scala                           [compilation failed]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Byte]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/t7336.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Byte].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Byte].<arr><init>(arraySize)
  [partest] exception when typing val array: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte].<arr><init>(arraySize)
  [partest] exception when typing {
  [partest]   val array: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte].<arr><init>(arraySize);
  [partest]   scala.concurrent.Future.successful(i).flatMap({
  [partest]     @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 with Serializable {
  [partest]       def <init>(): <$anon: Function1> = {
  [partest]         $anonfun.super.<init>();
  [partest]         ()
  [partest]       };
  [partest]       final def apply(i: Int): scala.concurrent.Future = if (i.==(0))
  [partest]         scala.concurrent.Future.successful(())

  [partest] !! 1387 - run/t7336.scala                           [compilation failed]
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Object]/class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$New
  [partest] illegal cyclic reference involving class Array in file /Users/luc/scala/scala/test/files/run/virtpatmat_npe.scala
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Object].<arr><init>
  [partest] exception when typing new Array[Object].<arr><init>(10)
  [partest] exception when typing private[this] val values: Array[Object] = new Array[Object].<arr><init>(10)
  [partest] exception when typing class C extends Object {
  [partest]   def <init>(): C = {
  [partest]     C.super.<init>();
  [partest]     ()

  [partest] !! 1593 - run/virtpatmat_npe.scala                  [compilation failed]

  [partest] !! 20 - scalap/typeAnnotations.scala              [output differs]

  [partest] !!  3 - scalacheck/quasiquotes                    [ScalaCheck test failed]
scabug commented 10 years ago

Imported From: Reporter: @lrytz Affected Versions: 2.11.1 See #3809, #7481

SethTisue commented 6 years ago

closing for staleness, someone can reopen if they can demonstrate this is still relevant