scala / bug

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Serious performance/memory compiler (scalac) regression in 2.11.4 compared to 2.11.2 #9032

Closed scabug closed 9 years ago

scabug commented 9 years ago

I have some non-trivial projects mostly written using Scala called Sireum (; the projects compile well with 2.11.2 within ~ 1 minute (Java JDK 8u25, OS X 10.10.1).

However, scalac 2.11.4 seems to have a serious performance issue when compiling Sireum such that I gave up after waiting for 27+ minutes, (the CPU is still at 99-100%).

Here's how one can reproduce the issue:

  1. Clone
  2. Under the sireum-build directory, run: ./ (this clones more repositories)
  3. Run: tools/bin/sbt clean compile (this compiles Sireum under 2.11.2 using 4GB heap max; see the tools/bin/sbt script file for memory config)
  4. Change Scala version to 2.11.4 in project/SireumBuild.scala
  5. Run: tools/bin/sbt clean compile (now, observe that it takes a long time).

I tried setting off the pattern matching depth per 2.11.4 compiler warnings, but it didn't help.

Furthermore, the projects above are only from Sireum public repositories, when I compile the full set of projects including the ones from private repositories, I noticed that 2.11.2 compilation consumes at most ~ 2.6 GB (observed through OS X's ActivityMonitor). However, in 2.11.4, the whole compilation was out of memory (exception thrown), even after I increased the max heap to 8 GB in the sbt script).


scabug commented 9 years ago

Imported From: Reporter: Robby (robby) Affected Versions: 2.11.4 See #8999 Attachments:

scabug commented 9 years ago

@retronym said: Hopefully this turns out to be the same regression as #8999. proposes a fix for that bug.

I haven't had a change to test this theory out yet, but will mark this bug as a blocker for 2.11.5 to make sure we do.

scabug commented 9 years ago

@retronym said: @gbasler do you have time to verify your fix against this build?

scabug commented 9 years ago

@gbasler said (edited on Dec 10, 2014 10:38:15 AM UTC): Yes, the fix solves the problem (see below).

Scala 2.11.4 took over 11 GB to compile:

[success] Total time: 2383 s, completed 10.12.2014 10:28:25


Scala 2.11.5 + fix used about 1.4 GB:

[success] Total time: 148 s, completed 10.12.2014 11:02:56


2.11.4 (partial) profile shows that a lot of time is spent in the pattern macher:

CPU hot spots

|                                                                                 Name                                                                                 |    Time (ms)    |
|$MatchAnalyzer$class.modelToCounterExample(MatchAnalysis$MatchAnalyzer, ScalaLogic$TreesAndTypesDomain$Var, Map)  |  17'113  100 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$filterImpl$1.apply(Object)                                                                                            |  15'272   89 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|$MatchAnalyzer$VariableAssignment$3$$anonfun$uniqueEqualTo$1.apply(ScalaLogic$TreesAndTypesDomain$Const)          |  14'430   84 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.exists(LinearSeqOptimized, Function1)                                                                                 |  14'383   84 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.tpe.TypeComparers$class.isSubType(SymbolTable, Types$Type, Types$Type, int)                                                              |   8'517   50 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.tpe.TypeComparers$class.firstTry$1(SymbolTable, Types$Type, Types$Type, int)                                                             |   7'020   41 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.tpe.TypeComparers$class.isSameType(SymbolTable, Types$Type, Types$Type)                                                                  |   5'257   31 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.tpe.TypeComparers$class.isSameType2(SymbolTable, Types$Type, Types$Type)                                                                 |   4'726   28 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$CompoundType.baseType(Symbols$Symbol)                                                                                              |   4'024   24 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$Type.baseTypeIndex(Symbols$Symbol)                                                                                                 |   3'993   23 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$class.normalizePlus(SymbolTable, Types$Type)                                                                                       |   3'400   20 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.isRawType(Types$Type)                                                                                                        |   3'354   20 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$class.isRawType(SymbolTable, Types$Type)                                                                                           |   3'198   19 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.baseTypeSeqLength$1(Symbols$Symbol)                                                                                       |   3'135   18 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$                                                                                                                    |   2'293   13 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$class.isRawIfWithoutArgs(SymbolTable, Symbols$Symbol)                                                                              |   1'638   10 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.isMonomorphicType()                                                                                                       |   1'591    9 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.rawInfo()                                                                                                                 |   1'326    8 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.tpe.TypeComparers$class.thirdTryRef$1(SymbolTable, Types$Type, Types$TypeRef, Types$Type, Types$Type, int)                               |   1'279    7 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.tpe.TypeComparers$class.classOnRight$1(SymbolTable, Types$Type, Types$Type, int, Types$Type, Types$TypeRef, Symbols$Symbol)              |   1'216    7 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$NoArgsTypeRef.typeParams()                                                                                                         |   1'107    6 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.contains(LinearSeqOptimized, Object)                                                                                  |     920    5 %  |
|  |                                                                                                                                                                   |                 |
|  +---scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeRef.normalize()                                                                                                                |     920    5 %  |

Generated by YourKit Java Profiler 2013 build 13088 10.12.2014 11:06:56
scabug commented 9 years ago

@gbasler said: Attached SBT logs.

scabug commented 9 years ago

Robby (robby) said: Good news. Thanks for looking into this.

So, how do I access 2.11.5-fix-oom to try it out?

scabug commented 9 years ago

@gbasler said: You'd have to check out my branch (see above), then compile it:

ant publish-local-opt -Dmaven.version.suffix="-fix-oom"

and modify your build:

final val scalaVer = "2.11.5-fix-oom"
resolvers += "Local Maven Repository" at "file:///"+Path.userHome+"/.m2/repository"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.11" % "2.2.1" % "test",

Then you can compile it with SBT.

scabug commented 9 years ago

Robby (robby) said: Great! I can confirm that the proposed fix resolves the issue (including the build that includes projects in private repos). Thanks again!

scabug commented 9 years ago

@gbasler said: Fixed by #8999.