scala / bug

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Autocomplete when lacking implicits #9792

Open scabug opened 8 years ago

scabug commented 8 years ago

When autocompleting, you get suggestions that will fail.

scala> (1,2).
_1   canEqual   equals     invert         productElement    productPrefix   toString   zipped   
_2   copy       hashCode   productArity   productIterator   swap            x                   

scala> (1,2).zipped
<console>:12: error: No implicit view available from Int => scala.collection.TraversableLike[El1,Repr1].
scabug commented 8 years ago

Imported From: Reporter: @som-snytt Affected Versions: 2.11.8

scabug commented 8 years ago

@SethTisue said: is this really a bug? you could explicitly pass the missing argument.

oh, ah, but tab completion has single and double tabs, where double-tab gives you everything. so maybe something like zipped ought to be relegated to double-tab .

scabug commented 8 years ago

@som-snytt said: It's an improvement!