Closed SethTisue closed 3 years ago
Once sufficient time has passed since last merged PR, it's time to cut the release!
How long we wait depends on what kind of release it is. For a major release, it might be 1-2 weeks, to give core projects time to try out the preceding release candidate and/or the current candidate nightly. For point releases, assuming we've given the community ahead-of-time warning and kept them appraised of progress on the Discourse thread, and assuming the last changes merged seem sufficiently safe, we might build the next day.
Be mindful of others' schedules; even minor releases make work downstream (for Scala.js and Scala Native, for the Scala 3 team, for compiler plugin authors, and so on). It's better not to release on Friday or before a holiday.
before_script: export SCALA_VER_BASE=2.12.15 SCALA_VER_SUFFIX=
git tag -s -m "Scala $SCALA_VER" v$SCALA_VER $SCALA_SHA
git tag -s -m "Scala $SCALA_VER" v$SCALA_VER $DIST_SHA
git push v$SCALA_VER
git push v$SCALA_VER
before_script: export version=2.12.15 scala_sha=96a666989b6bee067b1029553c6684ef1cb6f6b1 mode=archives
: export version=2.12.15 scala_sha=96a666989b6bee067b1029553c6684ef1cb6f6b1 mode=update-api
: [scala-repo]
, st_stagingRepoPromote [modules-repo]
(or use web UI)download/
(update devscalaversion or scalaversion)
(update currentScalaVersion
, _config.yml
, _overviews/jdk-compatibility/
symlink for the API docs
to 2.12.15)ssh jenkins-worker-publish
, then from there you can ssh -i ~/.ssh/jenkins_lightbend_chara
in /
Global / baseVersion
in /build.sbt
in /project/MimaFilters.scala
in /project/MimaFilters.scala
, except the one(s) labeled "KEEP"spec/_config.yml
, if it's a major bumplatestSpecVersion
in spec/_config.yml
on the old branch, so that spec is marked as no longer current_data/footer.yml
and _data/doc-nav-header.yml
on docs.scala-lang.orgpublishing failed, some Sonatype problem that isn't obvious to me. I'll investigate, but it's no longer feasible to publish this week. hopefully next week
the failed build on Sep 1:
the error:
[error] Server redirected too many times (20)
[error] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[error] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[error] at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.publish(IvyActions.scala:501)
successful 2.12.14 publishing run, for comparison:
for diffing purposes, it helps to pipe the raw logs through gsed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' | grep -v ^travis_time:
but actually the diffs don't give any clues. maybe I need to run with sbt -debug
this is pretty rough to troubleshoot since the build takes so long. it's tempting to try to publish from my local machine instead (without having to rebuild everything every time) and hope to learn something from that -- though that won't help if the problem has to do with the encrypted secrets on Travis-CI
note that I published scala-async from Travis-CI last week and that went fine, so there isn't an org-wide issue
note that since 2.12.14, we upgraded from sbt 1.3.13 to 1.5.5 as part of an effort to backport build changes from 2.13 to 2.12
perhaps I should do a trial run of the 2.13.7 release (and drop the staging repos, of course!) to see if the same problem occurs there
another possible source of clues is to re-run the 2.12.14 and/or 2.13.6 releases and see if they succeed (and then drop the staging repos)
another end to approach this from is "what could cause this error?"
at someone got the same error because of vs, but we're publishing from a longstanding Sonatype account and not a recently created one, so should still be right. and anyway the 2.12.14 release was in May 2021 which is after Sonatype started expecting new accounts to use the new host (in February 2021)
at someone got the same error simply because they were using wrong credentials. if we were setting up publishing in the scala/scala repo for the first time, wrong credentials is the first explanation I'd consider, but in this case, we know that everything was set up right before, so how could it be wrong now? regardless, maybe I need to accept that it's somehow a wrong-credentials problem and set the credentials up again
I think the next thing I'll try is a dry run of 2.13.7 publishing, since that will tell us if the problem is repo-wide or is somehow specific to the 2.12.x branch
2.13.x build triggered with before_script: export SCALA_VER_BASE=2.13.7 SCALA_VER_SUFFIX=-M1
(but it might take a while because we're now down to only one concurrent Travis-CI job in scala/* and a PR validation job is running)
~OMG might this just be ...? I HOPE SO~
~it seems like a distant hope since the symptoms here aren't the same as those at , but regardless: scala/scala#9758~
UPDATE: never mind
2.13.x build triggered [...]
It failed with the same error as we're getting on 2.12.x. That narrows down the possible causes — we no longer need to consider 2.12-specific causes. I'm not sure whether that's good news or bad news :-), but I guess any narrowing is good 🤷
Now that we know both 2.12 and 2.13 are broken, I'm contemplating just replacing the publishing secrets and hope that helps. (Before, I was afraid to do that for fear of breaking 2.13 too.)
I don't know enough about PGP stuff to know whether it's plausible that we're using an expired key or something like that.
I reviewed the diffs on 2.13.x since v2.13.6, and stood out as a plausible culprit. (Jason also suggested at team meeting today that this PR might be relevant.)
9658 was backported to 2.12.x (, so that's consistent with both branches being broken.
I think I'll try simply reverting the 2.12.x backport and hope that allows us to get 2.12.15 out the door. Then with that done, we can slow down and try and understand what went wrong, in time for 2.13.7.
pushed the reversion to a test-revert-9659
branch and kicked off with before_script: export SCALA_VER_BASE=2.12.15 SCALA_VER_SUFFIX=-M1
gah that didn't help 🙀
maybe the credentials really are expired/bad somehow
this seems suspicious:
$ (cd admin && ./
pub 4096R/6D92E560 2018-02-13 [expired: 2020-02-13]
uid Scala Project <>
sec# 4096R/6D92E560 2018-02-13 [expires: 2020-02-13]
uid Scala Project <>
ssb 4096R/D692BCFF 2018-02-14
but if expires: 2020-02-13
were a problem, surely that would have caused release failures last year, not this year? the same thing appears in the successful 2.12.14 log
and anyway if it was a GPG key problem we'd get some other kind of error, I think is a re-run of the 2.13.6 publishing and fails the same way
plus I had already done a similar 2.12.x experiment at (I don't recall how I picked the commit I used, but it was around 2.12.14 release time) with the same result
so it looks like I can stop groveling around trying to identify what commit or pull request is the culprit and just redo the secrets... though I still wish I had a theory about what changed to make this stop working, since if I redo the secrets and it still doesn't work we'll still be right on square one
We have secrets in two places: in the Travis-CI web UI, and in .travis.yml
The ones in the Travis-CI web UI are encrypted_40abf89dbafd_iv
and encrypted_40abf89dbafd_iv
and I think they have to do with publishing the spec? Not sure. (But I really doubt these are in play here.)
In .travis.yml
we have:
: for spec publishingTRAVIS_TOKEN
: for triggering scala-dist via the Travis-CI APIGPG_SUBKEY_SECRET
: for publishing to scala-ci Artifactory (as opposed to Sonatype)SONA_USER
: Sonatypeafaics only SONA_*
are relevant here.
I don't know whether they were set up to use the lamp
username or password, or that account's API token (the "username" and "password" of the token are accessible, if you know the account password, via the Sonatype web UI). I always use the token when setting up module publishing (as per advice in sbt-ci-release readme), so I guess I'll use that here as well.
redid the secrets (following as follows:
travis encrypt --add -r scala/scala
and then entered SONA_USER=....
at keyboardSONA_PASS=...
pushed to redo-secrets
branch and triggered
at the top of the log I see this, as expected:
$ export SONA_USER=[secure]
$ export SONA_PASS=[secure]
20 minutes later:
Closed sonatype staging repos:
and I shall not throw my laptop into the sea after all.... not today, anyway
I dropped the staging repos. I'll re-run this after merging . (Maybe it's paranoia talking, but I feel more comfortable having the real release come from an actual merge commit on the 2.12.x branch.)
Key links:
N weeks before the release
Release announcement / notes
gh api --paginate -X GET search/issues -f q='repo:scala/scala is:pull-request is:merged milestone:2.12.14 label:release-notes' -q '.items[] | " * \(.title) ([#\(.number)](\(.html_url)) by [@\(.user.login)](\(.user.html_url)))"'
N days before release