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Standarize scaladoc parameters between Scala2 and Scala3 #11907

Closed BarkingBad closed 3 years ago

BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

We should standarize the options that can be used for scaladoc. This task is supposed to track compatibility between these two tools:

Scala2 Scala3 Description Comment Is implemented?
-doc-format _ Selects in which format documentation is rendered. Actually old scaladoc supports only html, so it is in some way coherent with new scaladoc, which provides only html
-doc-title -project The overall name of the Scaladoc site Aliased in #11965
-doc-version -project-version Aliased in #11965
-doc-footer _ A footer on every Scaladoc page, by default the EPFL/Lightbend copyright notice. Can be overridden with a custom footer. Fixed by #11965
-doc-no-compile _ A directory containing sources which should be parsed for docstrings without compiling (e.g. AnyRef.scala) We don't need this as we have completely different approach to that issue using -Ydocument-synthetic-types flag for synthetic types
-doc-source-url -source-links A URL pattern used to link to the source file, with some variables supported... Scala3 implementation provides richer syntax.
-doc-external-doc -external-mappings Comma-separated list of classpath_entry_path#doc_URL pairs describing external dependencies. Scala3 implementation provides richer syntax.
-jdk-api-doc-base -external-mappings URL used to link Java API references. You can specify jdk via -external-mappings since they are generalized setting.
-doc-generator _ The fully qualified name of a doclet class, which will be used to generate the documentation We don't need this in Scala3
-doc-root-content -doc-root-content The file from which the root package documentation should be imported.
-implicits _ We don't need this in Scala3
-implicits-debug _ We don't need this in Scala3
-implicits-show-all _ We don't need this in Scala3
-implicits-sound-shadowing _ We don't need this in Scala3
-implicits-hide _ We don't need this in Scala3
-diagrams _ We don't need this in Scala3? ✅:
-diagrams-debug _ We don't need this in Scala3?
-diagrams-dot-path _ We don't need this in Scala3?
-diagrams-max-classes _ We don't need this in Scala3?
-diagrams-max-implicits _ We don't need this in Scala3?
-diagrams-dot-timeout _ We don't need this in Scala3?
-diagrams-dot-restart _ We don't need this in Scala3?
-author _ Fixed by #11965
-raw-output _ We don't need this in Scala3
-no-prefixes _ We don't need this in Scala3
-skip-packages -skip-packages
-no-link-warnings _
-expand-all-types _ Setting should be removed from Scala2 scaladoc
-groups _ Implement grouping as it is in Scala3. #11909 Actually we support grouping, e. g. Future. Since one is using @group to actually group his methods, we should consider whether this flag is necessary. Fixed by #11965
-no-java-comments _ We don't need this in Scala3
-doc-canonical-base-url _ A base URL to use as prefix and add canonical URLs to all pages. The canonical URL may be used by search engines to choose the URL that you want people to see in search results. If unset no canonical URLs are generated. Fixed by #11965
-private _ Show all types and members. Unless specified, show only public and protected types and members. Fixed by #11965
_ -siteroot We don't migrate it
_ -project-logo Should we migrate it?
_ -comment-syntax We don't migrate it
_ -revision Should we migrate it?
_ -social-links Should we migrate it?
_ -skip-by-id We don't migrate it
_ -skip-by-regex We don't migrate it
_ -snippet-compiler-args We don't migrate it
_ -Ydocument-synthetic-types Documents intrinsic types e. g. Any, Nothing. Setting is useful only for stdlib
BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

More info can be found here

julienrf commented 3 years ago

Would you be interested in moving the content from here to

BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I can do that, however I have very little time recently, so I will postpone it for a while if you don't mind

BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

Updated PR at

BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

We should implement -no-link-warnings flag then this issue could be closed

BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

Need to update docs for: