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Scaladoc colors should works well with dark and light themes #12525

Closed romanowski closed 3 years ago

romanowski commented 3 years ago

The color theme is extremely harsh. The sidebar uses a dark theme and the main body uses a light theme interspersed with dark elements, so I end up squinting. With Scala 2.13 the theme was light but at least the background was a shade of gray so it wasn't so harsh. The Scala 3 docs use a pure white background. I'd love if they made a toggle between a light and dark theme, but I'd settle for some less-harsh version of one or the other instead of what's currently there.

from pianomanDylan redit post

Color scheme used currently by scaladoc is quite plain and for sure requires some tuning. Having multiple styles for light/dark theme would be really interesting feature as well.

dylemma commented 3 years ago

I'm planning to take a stab at this over the weekend. The plan in my head was to stick with roughly the same hue (200deg = that blue) but then fiddle with the saturation and lightness. I may even be able to add a dark/light theme switcher.

Are there any strict color guidelines or branding-related constraints?

BarkingBad commented 3 years ago

I think @TheElectronWill is the correct person to talk about UX changes.