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special case 0 and S[n] in provably disjoint #14572

Open bishabosha opened 2 years ago

bishabosha commented 2 years ago

It would be useful if 0 and S[n] could be treated as provably disjoint - currently you need to make a Nat enum to get sensible behaviour from match types, however Nat is inefficient to materialise

Originally posted by @bishabosha in

I think really the issue is that 0 and S[n] are not treated like independent class types, for example, if we substitute Int for some Nat enum then the example works unchanged:

enum Nat {
  case Zero
  case Succ[N <: Nat](pred: N)

object Nat {
  type FromInt[I <: Int] <: Nat = I match {
    case 0 => Nat.Zero.type
    case[n] => Nat.Succ[FromInt[n]] 

/// begin of example


type Fill[N <: Nat, A] <: Tuple = N match {
  case Nat.Zero.type => EmptyTuple
  case Nat.Succ[n] => A *: Fill[n, A]

sealed trait SeqToTuple[N <: Nat] {
  def apply[A](s: Seq[A]): Fill[N, A]
implicit val emptyToZero: SeqToTuple[Nat.Zero.type] = new SeqToTuple[Nat.Zero.type] {
  override def apply[A](s: Seq[A]): EmptyTuple = EmptyTuple
implicit def successorToSuccessor[N <: Nat](implicit pred: SeqToTuple[N]): SeqToTuple[Nat.Succ[N]] = new SeqToTuple[Nat.Succ[N]] {
  override def apply[A](s: Seq[A]): Fill[Nat.Succ[N], A] =
    s.head *: pred(s.tail) // Scala doesn't know that `A *: Fill[N, A]` = `Fill[S[N], A]` for some reason

// scala> summon[SeqToTuple[Nat.FromInt[3]]](List(1,2,3,4,5))
// val res1: Int *: Int *: Int *: EmptyTuple = (1,2,3)
bishabosha commented 2 years ago

is this possible?

sjrd commented 2 years ago

Doesn't 0 match S[-1]?

bishabosha commented 2 years ago

Doesn't 0 match S[-1]?

type Foo[I <: Int] <: Int = I match { case[n] => n }
scala> val m: Foo[1] = 0
val m: 0 = 0

scala> val m: Foo[0] = -1
-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
1 |val m: Foo[0] = -1
  |                ^^
  |                Found:    (-1 : Int)
  |                Required: Foo[(0 : Int)]
  |                Note: a match type could not be fully reduced:
  |                  trying to reduce  Foo[(0 : Int)]
  |                  failed since selector  (0 : Int)
  |                  does not match  case[n] => n
  |                  and cannot be shown to be disjoint from it either.
scala> val m: Foo[-1] = -2
-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
1 |val m: Foo[-1] = -2
  |                 ^^
  |                 Found:    (-2 : Int)
  |                 Required: Foo[(-1 : Int)]
  |                 Note: a match type could not be fully reduced:
  |                   trying to reduce  Foo[(-1 : Int)]
  |                   failed since selector  (-1 : Int)
  |                   does not match  case[n] => n
  |                   and cannot be shown to be disjoint from it either.
dwijnand commented 2 years ago

Glancing, it looks like this is already special-cased in TypeComparer:

Personally I would rather not continue to special-case here and there, but rather implement a general way to declare sealed types. But then I would say that...

sjrd commented 10 months ago

If this is still desired, it should be brought up in SIP-56 Proper Specification for Match Types. After, it will be too late.

bishabosha commented 10 months ago

@sjrd given that S is getting a special case in the logic of match types, then it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to add it to disjointness maybe?