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Undeterministic eta expansion for a method with default arguments #19266

Open matwojcik opened 9 months ago

matwojcik commented 9 months ago

Compiler version


Minimized code

Code from the gist:

  def fn1(x: Int, y: Int = 5)(z: Int) = Some(x+y+z)
  def fn2(x: Int)(y: Int) = Some(x+y)

  def program = 
    fn1(4) // why this compiles
    fn2(2) // when this does not
scala-cli compile Unused.scala -Wnonunit-statement


scala-cli compile -Wnonunit-statement


[error] missing argument list for value of type Int => Some[Int]
[error]     fn2(2) // when this does not


I would expect that either:

If you adapt this code to scala 2.13 (add object - see and run

scala-cli compile --scala 2.13 -Xsource:3 [Unused.scala]( -Wnonunit-statement

then the result is:

[warn] ./Unused213.scala:8:5
[warn] unused value of type Int => Some[Int] (add `: Unit` to discard silently)
[warn]     fn2(2) // when this does not
[warn]     ^^^^^^
[warn] ./Unused213.scala:7:5
[warn] unused value of type Int => Some[Int] (add `: Unit` to discard silently)
[warn]     fn1(4) // why this compiles
[warn]     ^^^^^^

So something that I expected in the first place - warning about non used value. Scala3 though is apparently doing eta expansion not in the deterministic way here - when the function is having a default parameters.

som-snytt commented 9 months ago

The expansion looks normal -Vprint, so maybe it's a spurious error during type check? that is corrected by eta expansion.

The other note is if you comment out the erroneous line, -Wnonunit-statement does not notice the unused closure in Scala 3. I don't know if there is a ticket for that, but it sounds familiar.

i10416 commented 7 months ago

I think the difference in your example is intentional.

  def fn1(x: Int, y: Int = 5)(z: Int) = Some(x+y+z)
  def fn2(x: Int)(y: Int) = Some(x+y)

  def program = 
    fn1(4) // why this compiles
    fn2(2) // when this does not

Default value for by-value parameter may have side-effect on eta-expansion, so it is reasonable not to warn " A pure expression does nothing in statement position" and not to raise error. Perhaps, we should warn NonUnitUnusedValue.

On the other hand, method without default argument and method with default arguments for by-name parameters are pure. It does not perform side-effect on eta-expansion. Pure synthetic lambda in statement position is prohibited according to [^1]

[^1]: It says "Disallow lambdas in statement position", but it prohibits only pure lambdas in statement position.

It seems expected behavior to raise error rather than warning.

The difference is, for example, in the following code block, fn1(1) mutates arr, but f2(2) won't.

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Random

val arr = ArrayBuffer[Int]()

def fn0(x: Int)(y: String) = Some(s"$x,$y")
def fn1(x: Int, y: Unit = arr.addOne(Random.nextInt()))(z:Double) = Some(s"$x,$y,$z")
def fn2(x: Int, y: => Unit = arr.addOne(Random.nextInt()))(z:Double) = Some(s"$x,$y,$z")

// This is pure and falls into the missing argument arm
// here
// Thus, it shouldn't compile.
// This is impure(perform side-effect to mutate `arr`). Therefore this passes through `checkStatementPurity`.
// This is pure and falls into the missing argument arm 
// Thus, it shouldn't compile.
odersky commented 7 months ago

@i10416 Excellent analysis!

som-snytt commented 7 months ago

Per my previous comment, I would expect -Wnonunit-statement to warn about the nowarn cases. Oh I guess that's what the PR intends to remedy.

class C {
  def i = "42".toInt
  def f(x: Int, y: Int = 42)(z: Int) = x+y+z
  def test: Int = {
    f(27)       // nowarn bc side-effect; but also no nonunit in statement pos
    f(27, i)    // nowarn bc side-effect; but also no nonunit in statement pos
    f(27, 42)   // missing args bc synthetic
    f(27)(_)    // warn pure in statement pos
    f(27, i)(_) // warn pure in statement pos

The experience on the previous "disallow synthetic lambdas" PR, that test frameworks like weird code, happened again for Wnonunit-statement where ScalaTest assert breaks the check in user code.