scala / scala3

The Scala 3 compiler, also known as Dotty.
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unhandled exception while running MegaPhase #19333

Open philwalk opened 9 months ago

philwalk commented 9 months ago

Compiler version

# scala -version
Scala code runner version 3.4.0-RC1 -- Copyright 2002-2023, LAMP/EPFL
# java -version
openjdk version "19" 2022-09-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 19+36-2238)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19+36-2238, mixed mode, sharing)

Minimized code

The scala script below crashes the compiler if called as described. Name the script ./ and attempt to run it with this bash script:



echo "-cp C:/opt/scala3-3.3.1/lib/scala3-library_3-3.3.1.jar" > bugAtfile
SCALA_OPTS=@bugAtfile ./

I have a classpath @file with dozens of entries, and I eventually discovered a compiler lib file from an incompatible version, scala3-library_3-3.3.1.jar towards the end, so this is not a compiler bug, although it might be worthwhile to immunize against this category of bug somehow.

It's not surprising that launching the script with scala3-3.4.0-RC1 leads to a crash, although it took awhile to figure out root cause.

Possible fixes: when incompatible compiler jars appear in the classpath:

If the runtime version scala3-library_3-3.4.0-RC1.jar appears earlier in the classpath, no crash.

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala

object VersionSort {

  def main(_args: Array[String]): Unit =

  case class PathString(path: String) extends Ordered[PathString] {
    val fields = path.split("[\\D]+") {
      case num if num.trim.matches("[0-9]+") => "%010f".format(num.toDouble)
      case str => str
    } // .mkString("| ")
    //printf("%s [%s]\n", path, fields.mkString("|"))
    override def toString = path

    // compare subfields fields
    def compare(other: PathString): Int = {
      var i = 0
      val of = other.fields
      val tf = this.fields
      val maxindex = of.size.min(tf.size) -1
      var num = 0
      while (i <= maxindex && num == 0) {
        num = tf(i) compare of(i)
        i += 1

Output (click arrow to expand)

When the classpath ```scala echo "-cp C:/Users/philwalk/AppData/Local/https/" > bugAtfile SCALA_OPTS=@bugAtfile jsrc/ 2>&1 | tee s124 unhandled exception while running MegaPhase{protectedAccessors, extmethods, uncacheGivenAliases, elimByName, hoistSuperArgs, forwardDepChecks, specializeApplyMethods, tryCatchPatterns, patternMatcher} on C:\opt\ue\jsrc\ An unhandled exception was thrown in the compiler. Please file a crash report here: For non-enriched exceptions, compile with -Yno-enrich-error-messages. while compiling: C:\opt\ue\jsrc\ during phase: MegaPhase{protectedAccessors, extmethods, uncacheGivenAliases, elimByName, hoistSuperArgs, forwardDepChecks, specializeApplyMethods, tryCatchPatterns, patternMatcher} mode: Mode(ImplicitsEnabled) library version: version 2.13.12 compiler version: version 3.4.0-RC1 settings: -classpath C:/Users/philwalk/AppData/Local/https/;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala-library-2.13.12.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-library_3-3.4.0-RC1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala-asm-9.6.0-scala-1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/compiler-interface-1.9.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-interfaces-3.4.0-RC1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-compiler_3-3.4.0-RC1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/tasty-core_3-3.4.0-RC1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-staging_3-3.4.0-RC1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-tasty-inspector_3-3.4.0-RC1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-reader-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-terminal-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-terminal-jna-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jna-5.3.1.jar -d C:\tmp\scala3-scripting10473104943302070702 Exception in thread "main"$$anon$1: object caps does not have a member type Cap ```
nicolasstucki commented 9 months ago

@odersky It is failing on object caps does not have a member type Cap did something change there recently?

nicolasstucki commented 9 months ago

We might be trying to read caps.Cap on a version that still has caps.Root (see

nicolasstucki commented 9 months ago

In general, we should not be using the 3.3 library with 3.4 compiler. We should check this when we load the compiler.