scalability4all / voice-enabled-chatbot

Implementing a voice enabled chatbot which converses with a user via their voice in natural language. Website:
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intent classification using rasa-nlu #53

Closed gautamig54 closed 4 years ago

gautamig54 commented 4 years ago

I have used rasa-nlu toolkit for intent classification. I have trained the rasa model for 14 intents(greet, goodbye, affirm, deny, mood_great, mood_unhappy, currency, transfer_money, show_credit_cards, type_weather, temperature_weather, ask_forecast_weather). We can train the model just by adding intents to the file. I have added the trained model here. I have linked the model to the and the model will predict the intent of content spoken/written by the user.

gautamig54 commented 4 years ago

Should I upload the file as well, which is the training data for rasa containing the intents?