scalacenter / scalajs-bundler
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...-loader.js refers window even if target is node #250

Open exoego opened 6 years ago

exoego commented 6 years ago

I am trying to use scalajs-bundler to bundle app and node_modules into one file, targeting to node.js runtime. However, when the bundled file (...-bundle.js) is invoked on node. a ReferenceError (window is not defined) occurs.


What happens

In the above circrumstance, the generated foo-opt-loader.js is like below

var exports = window;
exports.require = window["ScalaJSBundlerLibrary"].require;

I believe these lines causes window is not defined error.

I referred Output- Webpack and tried several output.libraryTarget such as var (default of scalajs-bundler), this, commonjs and commonjs2.

It looks like foo-opt-library.js respects output.libraryTarget config and changes its form. However, foo-opt-loader.js does not respect the config and keep var exports = window line.

Any ideas?

exoego commented 6 years ago

I suspects these lines.

sjrd commented 6 years ago

I am trying to use scalajs-bundler to bundle app and node_modules into one file, targeting to node.js runtime.

If you target the Node.js runtime, you shouldn't even bundle. Node.js can load the non-bundled CommonJS module in the regular fastopt.js.

Bundling is for browsers. It doesn't make sense for Node.js.

exoego commented 6 years ago

Ah, I see why it generates var exports = window.

I expected webpack, not only to bundle dependencies, but also to minify them, for environment where sizes matter. More specifically, it is AWS Lambda and similar Function as a Service. Minifying node_module is not uncommon for the domain. E.g., is for such purpose.

cquiroz commented 6 years ago

Webpack can minimize but you need to configure it. E.g. with the uglify plugin

exoego commented 6 years ago

@cquiroz Thanks for let me know the uglify plugin.

Can we use such plugin with scalajs-bundler, without fixing loader script (var exports = window)?

cquiroz commented 6 years ago

Those are independent concepts. I think the window call is very much fixed on the creation of webpack’s config for scala js

evbo commented 5 years ago

any idea what can cause this error to occur? I randomly get it also. I usually need to delete my target directories in my sbt project and rebuild.

In my chrome browser console, it says:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'require' of undefined at client-fastopt-loader.js:3

and all there is in that file is:

var exports = window;
exports.require = window["ScalaJSBundlerLibrary"].require;