scalacenter / student-projects

The list of the available projects at the Scala Center for bachelor and master students.
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Hardware accelerator design with Chisel and integration in a RISC-V full system #18

Closed anatoliykmetyuk closed 2 months ago

anatoliykmetyuk commented 9 months ago


PDF version.

The aim of this project is to design a specialized hardware accelerator for a real-world Machine Learning (ML) keyword spotting algorithm for wakeword command voice detection (e.g. “Hey Siri, turn on the lights”). In particular, you will use Chisel, a hardware construction language embedded in Scala for agile hardware design. You will have the opportunity to test your design in an FPGA and explore different optimization opportunities. Finally, you will be able to test the keyword spotting application execution by integrating your accelerator in a state-of-the-art RISC-V open-source platform: X-HEEP (eXtendable Heterogeneous Energy-Efficient Platform). Moreover, through this process, you will collaborate with experienced engineers and researchers from the Embedded Systems Lab (ESL) and the Scala Center.

The RISC-V open-hardware initiative removed the high-cost barriers imposed by the industry when designing hardware and enabled the development of X-HEEP by ESL and EcoCloud Sustainable Computing Center. X-HEEP is a low-cost RISC-V microcontroller for running end-to-end applications and can be extended with hardware accelerators. A specialized hardware accelerator is a digital circuit that optimizes the latency, energy consumption, and hardware resources of a given application. Throughout this project, you will gain hands-on experience with open-source tools developed by the RISC-V community and used by the industry and academia to design novel digital circuits for hardware accelerators.

This project targets accelerating an ML application by designing hardware accelerators with Chisel. Chisel is a Hardware Construction Language (HCL) proposed as an alternative to the traditional Hardware Description Languages, such as Verilog and VHDL to describe hardware designs. Chisel is a hardware library embedded in Scala: a high-level, general-purpose language that features a blend of functional and object-oriented programming paradigms. This combination enables developers to express complex ideas more concisely than many other languages, significantly reducing the amount of code required. Scala facilitates abstraction over hardware. It allows for the efficient capturing of hardware patterns using high-level language constructs, enabling the description of more hardware scenarios with less code compared to traditional languages like SystemVerilog. You can think of the combination of Scala and Chisel as a flexible templating system. Furthermore, Scala enhances circuit testing through the Chisel workbench, a high-level framework that simulates circuits. This approach simplifies testing to the ease of evaluating a software function, marking Scala as an instrumental tool in both software and hardware development realms.

This project presents an exclusive opportunity for you to work with ESL and SCALA Center to experience globally-used tools developed at EPFL. You will be working with X-HEEP, an open-hardware platform from ESL that has gained attention from both industry and academics to deploy real-world applications. You will also be working with SCALA, developed by the SCALA Center, which has various applications beyond the domain of digital circuits, such as data engineering and processing at scale. It is utilized in the infrastructures of popular web services like Disney Streaming and Netflix, making it a highly valuable skill in the tech industry. In addition, you will be able to exploit the extended potential of digital design with Chisel, supported by the combined expertise of engineers and researchers of the two groups.

This project has the following learning objectives:

Prior knowledge required

Type of work: 25% theoretical analysis, 75% design and experiment execution.



This project is co-supervised by the Scala Center and the ESL.

The supervisors are: Ruben Rodriguez Alvarez (ESL), Dr. Denisa Constantinescu (ESL), @bishabosha (Scala Center), @anatoliykmetyuk (Scala Center), Prof. David Atienza (ESL).

Get in touch


Please see our grading policy for this project described in the grading rubric.

smarter commented 6 months ago

For any student interested in this project, it's worth noting that there is a free online book on Chisel:

dzc685 commented 2 months ago

Hi, I'm a second-year master's student. I would like to do this as a semester project next semester (fall). What would be the conditions?

Kindly regards, Zhicheng Dong (

bishabosha commented 2 months ago

This project has been turned over to the ESL laboratory - so please contact them