name: Hungai Amuhinda
title: "End to End Akka Cluster Visibility: Logs, Metrics & Tracing"
length: 40
audience: Intermediate
language: English
twitter: https://twitter.com/Hungai
github: https://github.com/hungaikev
icon: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wRLWAGzy7Az8wvPy7
- Tools, Best Practices, DevOps, Microservices
- Anyone with experience developing applications in Scala utilizing tools and frameworks such as Akka, Play Framework, Lagom, Scala Futures
Understanding how reactive applications are executing in a highly distributed environment can be complicated. Looking at traditional log files only gives a snapshot of the whole story and looking at a single service in isolation simply does not give enough information. Each service is just one side of a bigger story. Tracing has emerged as an invaluable technique that succeeds in summarizing all sides of the story into a shared timeline. During this session, we will dive into: logs, metrics and request tracing to troubleshoot and diagnose production issues for services written in Scala.
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