name: Raul Piaggio
title: ""
length: 40
audience: Intermediate
language: English
twitter: https://twitter.com/RaulPiaggio
github: https://github.com/rpiaggio
icon: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/1895643?s=400&u=f98c653aae0fe6f4c07a6ff24f09a64bd2cec274&v=4
organization: CTO, Zoë Pepper Ltd.
- Functional Programming
- People who want start delving into functional programming, with a very practical and down to earth example
- I maintain https://github.com/zoepepper/scalajs-jsjoda, and have contributed to https://github.com/trepidacious/scalajs-react-sortable-hoc and https://github.com/lloydmeta/enumeratum.
- So far, I only presented at my local Scala Meetup. I presented "An introduction to Slick", "An introduction to Scala.js" and an early version of the talk I intend to present called "My first funcional validator" (Slides in Spanish: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eLrQFgjNSP_Qk-8BVwUEJtn3tvK38KgPbhCK-Ffykyk/edit?usp=sharing)
タイトル - Applicative and Monadic Contextual Validation (or, My First Functional Context Validator)
概要 - Using the power of Applicatives and Monads, we explore how to adapt an existing validation library (checklist) so that it is now able to mix and match different functional execution contexts (eg: Future, Task, IO, Id, etc.). This is done transparently and seamlessly for the library user.
英語情報 タイトル - Applicative and Monadic Contextual Validation (or, My First Functional Context Validator) 概要 - Using the power of Applicatives and Monads, we explore how to adapt an existing validation library (checklist) so that it is now able to mix and match different functional execution contexts (eg: Future, Task, IO, Id, etc.). This is done transparently and seamlessly for the library user.