scalala / Scalala

Scalala has been superseded by dlwh/breeze. Scalala is a high performance numeric linear algebra library for Scala, with rich Matlab-like operators on vectors and matrices; a library of numerical routines; support for plotting.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Common code-base for DenseVector constructors. #39

Closed afwlehmann closed 12 years ago

afwlehmann commented 12 years ago

Objects DenseVector, DenseVectorRow, and DenseVectorCol share a common code-base now, leading to increased type-safety and providing the overall same constructors for both row- and column vectors.

Added horzcat and vertcat for both vector types where the result depends on the shape of the original vector, i.e. DenseVectorRow.horzcat produces a DenseVectorRow for DenseVectorRow* but yields a DenseMatrix for DenseVectorCol*. The sames applies vice versa for DenseVector.vertcat.

Added unit tests accordingly.

dramage commented 12 years ago

Thanks! This is a nice cleanup.