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Debugging "Unknown Source" and "Unsupported evaluation in unmanaged classpath entry" in VSCode. #5807

Open PhilDakin opened 9 months ago

PhilDakin commented 9 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **PhilDakin** October 30, 2023 When running test suites from [spark-rapids](, Metals is unable to resolve my source files with the following error: ![Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 9 06 49 PM]( If I evaluate local variables in the stack frame, it works fine. But if I try to access e.g. a test suite class definition, I see the following error: ``` 2023.10.31 00:46:31 ERROR [error response][evaluate]: Cannot evaluate because of java.lang.Exception: Unsupported evaluation in unmanaged classpath entry: /home/ec2-user/my-spark-rapids/spark-rapids/tests/target/spark311/test-classes. ``` Per the Scala documentation, "[Unmanaged files are manually created files that are outside of the control of the build](" I am surprised to see `/home/ec2-user/my-spark-rapids/spark-rapids/tests/target/spark311/test-classes` listed as unmanaged, because it is definitely an artifact created when the module is built. What would you recommend for continued debugging of this issue? Since `spark-rapids` is using `mvn` and not `sbt`, it isn't clear to me how the unmanaged/managed concept from the [SBT docs]( applies here.


Promoting this to an issue because other users (@AndersSteenNilsen) in the Scalameta Discord reported the same problem. Anders claimed to have fixed the issue by adding the semanticdb-scalac dependency, but this was not sufficient for my case. @tdudzik indicates that the debugger is not stable.


What I've Tried Already

What I Plan to Try Next

PhilDakin commented 9 months ago

Able to see that the source is unknown in the debugger here:

Will continue working backwards

PhilDakin commented 9 months ago

Hm I noticed that only some of the project's targets get sources files generated in ~/.m2/repository. These targets see, to resolve properly.

Will try seeing why some targets don't get any sources files in the local repository as a next step.

PhilDakin commented 9 months ago

I have a similar setup to spark-rapids but lighter-weight available by:

  1. git clone && cd scala-maven-example && git checkout test_branch
  2. JAVA_HOME=<Java_11> ./

If you clone this, build it, install Metals, and use the .bloop config generated by (don't import project), you'll see "Unknown Source" when going to debug AnotherComponentTest.

The project structure of this example is similar to spark-rapids in that it is:

-> lib, main + tests
-> lib_agg, just shaded JAR of lib
-> tests, tests only (no main), depends on lib_agg's shaded JAR
gerashegalov commented 9 months ago

Thanks for filing this issue @PhilDakin and creating a repro.

I would like to add a simplified repro for spark-rapids itself that sets aside complications with GPU setup and our non-trivial shaded artifacts.

We are going to utilize the fact that we can build spark-rapids on a regular CPU-only Linux host, and there are CPU-only tests in the sql-plugin submodule that will not require GPUs

  1. clone spark-rapids and use branch-23.12 after this commit

  2. Build and bloopInstall just sql-plugin and sql-plugin-api submodules

JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 \
  mvn -pl sql-plugin -am clean package ch.epfl.scala:bloop-maven-plugin:bloopInstall \
  -DdownloadSources=true -Dbloop.configDirectory=$PWD/.bloop \
  -DskipTests -Dmaven.repo.local=$PWD/.bloop-m2
  1. Start VSCode, open Metals tab, "Clean and restart build server",
  2. Make sure "Run doctor" is all green
  3. Open ArmSuite.scala which is CPU only
  4. Make sure it's runnable without a debugger by clicking a play button or executing in the command palette Tests: Run Tests in Current File
  5. Set a breakpoint inside Arm.scala e.g. on L38
  6. Now execute Test: Debug Tests in Current File in ArmSuite.scala and observe the issue of "Unknown Source" for the Arm.scala class from the production source path


PhilDakin commented 8 months ago

This can be debugged further by using VSCode settings "metals.bloopVersion" and "metals.bloopJvmProperties" with a locally published Bloop version + "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005,quiet=y".

Bloop passes information to the scala-debug-adapter here, then the debug adapter initializes a SourceLookUpProvider here.

My understanding is that the SourceLookUpProvider gives a mapping from all fully-qualified class names (FQCN) to source files.

What's still unclear to me:

1 - In the original example, the CostBasedOptimizerSuite is provided in the sources field of the .bloop/X-test.json file, so it should be available in the SourceLookUpProvider. 2 - Are JARs for entries in the dependencies field of the .bloop/X.json file provided when constructing the SourceLookUpProvider?

Hitting my time box on this so will roll off to other things, but I'm pretty curious what the final issue is here. Perhaps there's something high-level obvious wrong in the bloop file that I'm not seeing just due to being relatively new to the Scala ecosystem.

gerashegalov commented 8 months ago

Another data point: there is some non-determinism in terms what projects are unlucky to hit "unknown source". Running the same example now flipped it: the product project can map to sources but the test project cannot.
