scalameta / munit

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Failed test case details are not printed #737

Open gmkumar2005 opened 7 months ago

gmkumar2005 commented 7 months ago

When I run a test case in scalajs it prints the full trace of the failure as below with line numbers

==> X basic.BasicSuite.renders empty elements 0.02s munit.FailException: /Users/mallru/workspace/front-end/calico-dom-utils/calicotestcases/src/test/scala/basic/BasicSuite.scala:51 querySelector returned null check if the query is correct
50:          val actual = dom.document.querySelector("#app > td")
51:          assert(actual != null, "querySelector returned null check if the query is correct")
52:          assertEquals(actual.outerHTML, expectedEl.outerHTML)

Above test case runs NodeJs internally.

When I run the same test case which uses PlayWright internally the trace is not displayed

==> X basic.BasicSuite.renders empty elements 0.01s munit.FailException:

Why is munit loosing the details ?