scalameta / sbt-native-image

Plugin to generate native-image binaries with sbt
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native-image 21.1.0 fails on `scala.util.Random$` #27

Open taig opened 3 years ago

taig commented 3 years ago

GraalVM 21.1.0 has just been released, but my builds are failing unfortunately.

Error: Detected an instance of Random/SplittableRandom class in the image heap. Instances created during image generation have cached seed values and don't behave as expected.  Object has been initialized by the scala.util.Random$ class initializer with a trace: 
    at java.util.Random.<init>(
    at scala.util.Random.<init>(Random.scala:30)
    at scala.util.Random$.<init>(Random.scala:260)
    at scala.util.Random$.<clinit>(Random.scala:260)
. Try avoiding to initialize the class that caused initialization of the object. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image runtime by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
Detailed message:
Trace: Object was reached by 
    reading field scala.util.Random.self of
        constant scala.util.Random$@5e16dff3 reached by 
    scanning method org.http4s.client.PoolManager.$anonfun$borrow$10(PoolManager.scala:199)
Call path from entry point to org.http4s.client.PoolManager.$anonfun$borrow$10(Iterable): 
    at org.http4s.client.PoolManager.$anonfun$borrow$10(PoolManager.scala:199)
    at org.http4s.client.PoolManager$$Lambda$2848/0x00000007c26b5c40.apply(Unknown Source)
    at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
    at scala.collection.convert.JavaCollectionWrappers$

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Set GraalVM version to 21.1.0
  2. Run sbt/nativeImage on code that references scala.util.Random$


scala.util.Random$ extends scala.util.Random and thereby causes a static initialization of java.util.Random which is not allowed, as the error message above suggests. I believe we should therefore add --initialize-at-run-time=scala.util.Random$ to the default options of this plugin.

olafurpg commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting! Can you confirm that --initialize-at-run-time=scala.util.Random$ fixes the problem? We can certainly enable something like that by default in this plugin.

taig commented 3 years ago

After adding the option to my build, the native-image generation passed without issues again and the executables are doing fine in production. As this is a Scala-related issue, this project seems to be the best place to handle it. However, I have poor understanding of the native-image mechanics and don't fully get why this change became necessary, so I figured I'll contribute this as a suggestion and get some more eyes on it.

The issue did of course also pop up in numerous Java libraries which also appear to be resolved via runtime init

If you agree with the approach, I would be happy to submit a PR.