scalatest / scalatestplus-mockito

ScalaTest + JMock provides integration support between ScalaTest and Mockito.
Apache License 2.0
16 stars 11 forks source link

Release version? #8

Open anilkumarmyla opened 5 years ago

anilkumarmyla commented 5 years ago

I see that this is published as 1.0.0-M2 even though scalatest is promoted to release. Any reason this is not a 1.0.0 yet?

cheeseng commented 5 years ago

@anilkumarmyla You can use here:

Sorry for the confusion, we'll update the README accordingly.


cheeseng commented 5 years ago

Using sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.scalatestplus" %% "mockito-1-10" % ""
anilkumarmyla commented 5 years ago

@cheeseng Why is the artifact named mockito-1-10, any special reason? Why not stick with the repo name scalatestplus-mockito?

cheeseng commented 5 years ago

@anilkumarmyla I think the reason is to support different version of mockito in the future version, we're trying to fit 2 versions number (mockito pair with scalatest) into the artifact name and version, so hopefully it will be clearer to user they are using the correct artifact and version number. :)

anilkumarmyla commented 5 years ago

@cheeseng if we follow this strategy it would result in stale artifacts and maintenance work to upgrade this library since its name keeps changing with mockito which is at version 3.x.x currently

mockito-2.x series would be named mockito-2-x mockito-3.x series would be named mockito-3-x and so on

Although I don't see a concrete way of solving this specific problem, I'd say you provide the library built with the latest version of mockito-core and encourage the community to move to latest and greatest. You can possibly match the major & minor version with scalatest and reserve the patch for bug fixes/dependency upgrades. Just my opinion